Hi everyone just wondering has anybody had a pacemaker and AV node abalation. The arrithmia nurse mentioned this, I don’t see the cardiologist till March. I’m taking dronedrone but it’s not working for me I showed her the history of the kardia machine. Thanks
Kardia question : Hi everyone just... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Kardia question

there are a few people on here who have had both......tibetan36 is one if you want to look at his/her posts....

Mumknowsbest has had pace and ablate if you want to message for any help. It doesns't cure AF but reduces the symptoms bu ensuring a steady ventricular rate,
Thank you Bob very kind of you to reply, where do I type in there names to see there posts? Plz
That's what it did for me.
I'm in the proc ess of having this done - check out my blog !

Thank you Ogilvie
Have you had any other ablations? What is your age. Usually it is a last resort. Can leave the top part of the heart in continuous afib. You wont feel it as pacemaker keeps bottom normal but still have afib and possible long term issues with it such as large heart, wear and tear etc. Plus if younger and a better treatment comes along pace and ablate may nix it.
Good point. But the other side of the coin is all we have is now. It's a hard decision.
I think the feeling is that if an AV node ablation and pacemaker can be avoided then your EP will try and do what he can to help your heart function itself albeit with medication and ablations. Certainly that was/is the feeling of my own EP. Annel
I had an AV node ablation and pacemaker fitted in 2016. To tell the truth I never felt much different to how I felt before, but I think that was more to do with my heart failure! I had that pacemaker removed last year (which was not a pleasant experience at all) and an icd and defibrillator put in, and I have felt much better since!
Please make sure with your ep/cardiologist that you are having the best possible device fitted for your needs as the removal of leads and pacemaker is worse than being in constant a fib!
All the best anyway in your bionic future, and please let us know how you get on.
Hi Sharon I don’t c the cardiologist till March, I’m in touch with the arrithmia nurse. My story is that I had a tamponade and the Ablation had to be abandoned in 2014, failed meds ie flecanide. in July 2017 I was put on dronedrone but that hadn’t made a lot of diff. So I had a Kardia for Xmas which shows the AF a lot, so the arrithmia nurse said I havnt got a QOL and suggested pace and ablate would probably be the only thing but EP might say I’m too young I’m anxious at the minute and welcome any feed back thank you
Hi, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I was 49 when I had my pace and ablate proceedure carried out! I was never offered an ablation or anything else, it all happened so suddenly. They tried for a few weeks with medication to bring me heart rate down and control the a fib but within 6 months of being ill, I'd had the watchman device fitted (because I can't take anti coagulants), and the pace and ablate proceedure done! Quite an eventful run up to my 50th birthday!!!
I believe you cant use Kardia with a Pacemaker check their website kardia.com
sorry wrong website should have been alivecor.com/ its in the FAQ part that someone asks the question can you use Kardia with a pacemaker
Hi Nanchester. I was diagnosed with afib in 2011. In2016 I had an AV node ablation with a demand pacemaker insertion. Was able to get off all cardiac meds which were causing me side effects. My procedure has made a very positive difference in my afib life. Please post whenever you have questions or concerns and I will try to share my experiences with you. We're all different but looking into it couldn't hurt. Please post . You won't be bothering me. I am a retired 73 y.o.nurse whose glad to share. Good luck with your possible journey. BTW ask/communicate with an EP (electrophysiologist, NOT your nurse. This information and decision is WAY beyond nurses/ GP's/ routine cardiologists/etc. Happy to help. BTW I live in the US. irina1975. PS Although mine has gone well so far I try not to influence. This a decision entirely between you and the EP you choose.

Hi Irina Aww thank you for your reply, I can’t c the cardiologist till March but arrithmia nurse said she would try and get an appointment for me to c EP I havnt seen 1since the tamponade so decided on dif.meds which r not working, thank heavens for Kardia which showed the episodes very often with about 140 bpm so I’ll have to wait,I will kept you updated ASAP thank you so much