Flu like virus plus AF!: This week I've... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Flu like virus plus AF!

gwyn53 profile image
16 Replies

This week I've been floored by the flu like virus.

I've coughed so much that I've had a few hours of AF then normal.

Just relaxed and tried to carry on.today!

Well today. It's just going on and on.

Feel rubbish from the virus but AF just not switching.

Any ideas?

Or will it just happen?

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gwyn53 profile image
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16 Replies
Tako2009 profile image

Hi sorry to hear you are suffering from the combined effects of the flu and AF 🤧I had the same over Christmas if ever I pick up a virus I can be sure the AF won’t be far behind. Normally my occasional episodes happen at night and last no longer than 3 or 4 hours max. But when combined with a virus they seem to go on much longer usually most of the next day. Only comfort I can offer is that it does stop eventually as you recover from the virus. My sympathies with you as the AF seems to be worse when combined with a virus- or mine is - hope you are on the mend soon


gwyn53 profile image
gwyn53 in reply to Tako2009

Liz thank our.

Everything you said us true.

I rarely have night time ones. Just through the night. This virus is horrid.

I feel for anyone who has AF and a virus.

Thanks for your words. Xx

jennydog profile image
jennydog in reply to gwyn53

gwyn53 . I read yesterday that there are over 80 people in North Wales in hospitals with the flu and 38% have Australian flu. I hope you feel better soon but expect to be tired for a couple of weeks.

gwyn53 profile image


Thank you for your reply.

Bagrat profile image

I'm sure you are but try to drink plenty even if it means you are staggering to the loo even more often! Hope you feel well soon.

teach2learn profile image

As my EP stated when I had my annual checkup and reported a great increase in af-like palpitations during bout of flu tge past two weeks, any strain or stress is likely to do this. That flu bug definitely counts as a stress! And I'd had the useless vaccination!

Meeko profile image

I feel for you on this. I have shingles. At night I'm getting random bouts of AF. Trying to sleep with shingle pain and AF. Hope we both feel better soon.

Chris147 profile image

I ended up in a&e on Christmas morning via an ambulance. Although on my meds I think the virus and temperature kicked it all off. Keep hydrated and keep your temperature down as I think that's what happened to me. Had a high temperature ! I had really awful cough so tried sucking lozenges. Wish you a speedy recovery this seems to linger for some people x

Polski profile image
Polski in reply to Chris147

But make sure the lozenges are 'AF friendly'! Some of them aren't.

Gertsen profile image

That is interesting I have been feeling very coldy, in fact went to the doctor just before Christmas in case it had got on my chest, chest clear but she gave be antibiotics to take if it got worse. I have not taken them, but have had a bad cough for weeks and an episode of AF which lasted for more than 24 hours, normally they are about 12. I have post nasal drip so cough a lot.

Mike11 profile image

The virus causes your heart to swell which creates new electrical channels which triggers AF. Fortunately it will return to normal once the virus is defeated but this can take a week or so for the heart to return to its normal size so don't worry if you're still in AF once the symptoms have gone.

dmac4646 profile image
dmac4646 in reply to Mike11

This , I only recently realised it was the heart swelling that caused the AF if you have a virus or infection.

eleanor--1941 profile image

Hello Gwyn,

I remember many years ago being told at A&E that any infections,especially chest,can bring on A F.

Hope you feel better soon .Eleanor,Xxx

etheral profile image

Tamiflu can help resolve flu and decrease symptoms if taken within 2 days of symptom onset. Call your doc at first signs of flu.

gwyn53 profile image
gwyn53 in reply to etheral

I spoke to my dr when i first started with symptoms.


She told me go to work. Not be lazy. Fight it.

Firstly im 64. I dont take time off unless i need to.

Secondly i work with children.

I have a terminally ill husband in hospital.he is ok right now. .

I collapsed at work was tokd off for going in until i explained our Dr said it was ok.

Then thursday found our dr had the flu and was now off work till she feels better

Double standards.it has floored me.

Ive still not had my jab. Is there any point?

Bee-Honest profile image

Have any of you that have the flu and AF had the flu jag this year?

Not what you're looking for?

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