Did anyone suffer from acid reflux after a catheter ablation and did it resolve itself eventually?
Acid reflux post catheter ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Acid reflux post catheter ablation

This is very common although I never had it myself after any of mine. Normally treated with PPIs fo three months or so judging by other posts here Try searching Reflux top right search bar.
Since my 2nd ablation 15 months ago I have had reflux issues on and off. After 15 months I am not sure if the procedure can still be blamed. GP sent me for a camera down jobbie and they did say it showed 'mild gastritis.' Had some Lansoprazole but it returns occasionally. How long have you been since procedure?
Only in my 4th week after ablation but really terrible reflux which seems to be getting worse daily. Just hoping that this is normal and things will improve but at the moment feeling low and sick. Thanks for replying much appreciated.
My husband has just had an angiogram with stent put in he has had awful reflux since it I never had it after cryoblatio
I did and it did eventually resolved itself but took quite a long time.
I stopped eating bread in morning (and very little at other times) and swapped to fruit and yogurt for breakfast. That helped me. Gaviscon was very helpful. Both these are easy to try but you should ask help from doc if not helping.
Yes, I'm still suffering badly with it and prescribed lansoprazole. My ablation was in July.
You have my sympathises - had mine a month ago and reflux plaguing my days and nights
Mine too, everything I eat impacts and I it is waking me up so I then have to take an antacid in the night too. I've had the camera down the throat and they could not find anything. I'm hoping it will settle down, hope yours does too.