Hi All,
I have just joined the website and it is nice to know that I can share my feelings with others who are in the same position.
I had a routine examination at my GPs and was told that my heart was missing a beat. Later in that week I had an ECG and was diagnosed with AF. I read a lot about the symptoms of AF through seeing articles on the internet, eventually I saw the Cardiologist at my local hospital.
A few months ago I had a Cardio version which put me back in sinus r for a couple of weeks. I dont think it had anything to do with it but went on a strenuous bike ride just before my heart reverted back.
On Monday I had a Catheter Ablation at Harefield hospital which took about 5 hours, I was very impressed and thankful to all the medical staff who treated with the utmost kindness and respect.
I am now back in sinus rhythm which is wonderful and I am back on Warfarin and other drugs. As my AF was persistent I have been warned that I may need more C Ablations but I am hoping this may not be the case.
I feel much better and hope to be back at work on Monday, I am checking my pulse regularly to make sure it is still behaving itself ha ha.
I always feel uneasy about taking time off work for sickness and try to minimise it as much as possible but you need to take what you need as I believe your health should come first. All the best David