It has been three months since my cardiac ablation for PAC's and irregular beats. It hasn't been easy for me by any means. Almost every side effect that could happen has happened. I'm so worried that the ablation didn't work, but it's my understanding by my doctor this could take three to six months for the heart to heal. My question.....Am I being too impatient and expecting to feel 100% too soon? Getting frustrated and stressing
Post Ablation 3 months: It has been... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post Ablation 3 months

Three to six months is right and even longer maybe. My third and successful ablation took me about nine months to realize I was better.
Thank you for replying 🙂 More difficult than I ever thought it would be.
It also took me nearly a year I reckn to feel "top dollar" but for me it was totally worth it. So far 100% improvement in quality of life so be patient and try mindfulness, sounds a bit hippie but teaches you how "to be " a little more and seems to help calm the old ❤️ It has helped me so far.
Good luck
( and hope you stick with the beat!)
My Cardiologist recommended mindfulness .
How much exercise are you doing ? You do need to do light exertion building up slowly over the months to help your heart heal.
Hi JustDee
Like you, I had my first ablation in July and it is now September. I still have 'episodes' of AF, although now they don't last as long, but they come unexpectedly (of course) and people around don't 'get it' - they think I am panicking or exaggerating how I feel. I had an 'episode' while on holiday, in the middle of Saint-Tropez - in that famous square, and had to sit down. Was it the teeny glass of wine (usually I am drinking water, which is very hard when my friends were all drinking rosé wine) - or the salmon Tartare (uncooked fish?), or the heat (I tried to stay in the shade) - or just 'random'? I keep having these episodes out of the blue and it is very annoying and like you, thought I would be 'fixed' by now!
This forum is so good as it helps knowing other people are confused by this AF problem and understand the scariness of it!
I managed a flight back from Nice yesterday, on my own, with no problems (only drank water, when usually I have wine to calm me down). I do meditate every day too.
I understand exactly how you feel. I can not drink alcohol at all, it makes it worse for me, so I stick to water. I also wonder if it's food that triggers it.....just so frustrating and I'm ready to feel better. I do get overly anxious when I start feeling the irregular palpitations or beating, it only makes it worse so I try to remain calm but it is sooooo difficult.
In March of 2016 I had a Cardiac Loop implanted in my chest. It records everything my heart does. I'm so thankful to have it because this is how they found my problem. I go back to the doctor at the end of September and I hope everything I've been feeling is normal. I still feeling shaky, I get hot and cold, I run a low grade temp., get sweaty, aches throughout my body and always exhausted.
I hope I'm not the only one feeling like this.......😔
Hi Justdee have you just got ectopics like me? I dont have AF but suffer so much and it has almost destroyed me had 2 ablations this year dont really think they cured it but I can now walk upstairs as before last xmas I couldnt with out getting faint and out of breath I get a lot of pain and now have been changed from Verapamil to a new tablet so heres hoping that works, I am booked for a 3rd ablation but dont know whether I should go for it as the EP said they would have to burn agressively this time and I have a 40% chance of having permanent damage! Tried Iodine Magnesium but still having thousands of ectopics its bee 4 months since last ablation so dont see any further improvement I actually feel worse, sorry if I am coming across negatively maybe the new tabs will work! Let me know how you get on.
Regards Ingrid
Hi Ingrid, I don't have AF either. I had the ablation due to PAC's which would last for hours. The longest I have them was for 14 hours straight. Very scary and hard to believe they are harmless when it makes you feel like you are dying. About six hours after my procedure I had PAC's for almost six hours and the doctor told me my heart is very irritated and it will take time for the inflammation and the healing of the heart to take place. I thought after three months I would feel 100%, but I don't. I can tell it's getting better but I still have palpitations daily. My coughing was so bad until the last two weeks, I cough so much that I have digestive issues and can't eat very much with out a terrible stomach ache Sometimes I get dizzy and I stress about it so much I get nauseous too. I'm a worry wart. I'm only 54 and I have had issues since I was 18. No need to apologize, I am with you! I am very sorry you have had to go through this on two occasions. I hope I never have to do this again.
Hi Dee thanks for getting back I have had these ectopics permanently since April 16 so still have not got used to them everytime I think Im getti g better I take a real bad bout and realise it isnt! I also had this since 18 and now 55 I feel that no one is concerned about what it is doing to mr mentally as I really can do nothing, have you seen your EP yet for your checkup?
Regards Ingrid
I wonder if it's food too - I had the 'episode' in Saint-Tropez after eating a salmon Tartare (uncooked) - never had one before. I don't eat much meat and my friends were all having burgers and fries - so I thought I'd try that. Who knows? Am seeing my Arrhythmia Nurse this week for a post ablation follow-up. I'll update you!
Relax it will be fine
Hi Dee, I had my first ablation in July due to PAF. In the last couple of weeks I have had a few symptoms that made me think I could be in AF but they didn't last very long. These were triggered by doing too much and the heat. I also have eptopics and palpitations but try to ignore them and keep my mind busy on something else (having a 7yr old helps with this). Since the ablation I do feel better than I did prior, I find I have more energy than before and don't tire as quickly. But still not like the old me from a few years ago before this all started (which is what I hoped for). It is easy to think that we should feel 100% by now, but as you know it can take 3-6 months or longer (I often have to remind myself of this). I am on Flecainide, the only side effect was acid reflux and so I take Lansoprozole for this. Shelly 😊
You are right, three to six months or longer. Thank you for reminding me, I always have to remind myself, then I get in my head and ask did it work? It does help to hear others are "unfortunately" going through the same issues and feeling similar. I get so jealous of people who feel good! Unless you are going through this yourself, so many people don't understand. I take Dexilant for stomach issues, but with me coughing so much and so hard, they checked me for a pulmonary embolism last month. I'm glad my cough has started to settle down.
I don't have a 7 year to keep me occupied, but I do care for my disabled Mom. It's hard, especially when I don't feel well, plus I work full time.
Thank you for listening! Happy and positive thoughts! 🙂
It’s almost a year since my ablation and I feel good. So far no afib just occasional PACs. It’s gonna take a while to feel back to yourself. It takes at least 3 months for the heart to heal. It also depends upon your age and your state of health in general. You’ll get there bepatient as your heart has been through a lot and needs to heal in it’s own time. Good luck!