I know this is going to sound really stupid but I am waiting to see a Cardiologist to find out what is wrong with me. I have been prescribed GTN spray but im terrified to try it. I hate any type of medication as it seems they always make me feel ill. I am really scared and so fed up as every day I cannot breath and then I panic which makes it worse. I don't know why im scared to try this spray. I understand that it can give you a headache and feel dizzy but how do I know if it will help. I really cannot go on like this and until I get a diagnosis I fear that im going to have a heart attack everyday.
GTN Spray: I know this is going to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
GTN Spray

Please don't be scared to use it- all it does is open up tiny blood vessels and allow you to get more oxygen into your lungs, The possibility of headache is just that more blood can be felt in the dilated vessels but you won't necessarily get a headache. Use it when you are sitting/lying down to start with and then if you feel a little dizzy it won't matter You'll soon get used to it Good luck!!
Thank you for your kind reply. I'm in tears as so fed up. I have only just got my life back after spending 25 years being Agoraphobic so hardly ever leaving my house. I thought so hard to overcome this and thankfully I did but now I'm starting to fall back as no one likes the thought of Heart problems. It's the unknown that makes things worse and I've even asked to see a private Cardiologist hoping to speed things up. Fingers crossed I here something soon.
The fact that your heart problem has been picked up is the main thing. We all get issues with wear and Tear and as long as we are diagnosed, proper treatment is available.The dangerous times for heart problems are the silent problems which then can cause sudden difficulties
Do start your spray and remember that all meds state all the possible difficulties but they don't happen most of the time Meadfoot's idea to start when someone else is around is a good one. Please let us know when you have used it- I'm sure you'll be fine
All new meds seem scary especially when we haven't needed any in the past. My cousin takes his gtn spray regularly and i have never seen him think twice about it or witness any bad effects.
If you do try it it might be a good idea to take it when someone else is around to support you. I recall the first time I was to take my anticoagulant. The thought of taking something like that scared me and I sat looking at the tablet for a day or two and bottled it.
I was having lunch on day three with tablet in front of me, it was one which had to be taken with food. I started my food when the phone rang, it was my cousin enquiring after me, I explained to her about the tablet in front of me. She said right take it now while I am on the phone when you find nothing bad happens you will be able to take them with no concern from now on. It helped that she is a trauma consultant but on the other hand she was 300 miles away at the time.
My point is it helped having someone around, it may help you too. Worth considering anyway because the stress will be making you worse. Thinking of you.
I have gtn spray to use if I have angina I believe it lowers bp dilates blood vessels so heart can pump more efficiently don't be afraid to use it if you have to ,I also take imdur a slow release pill that works the same way
My husband has a GTN spray. He does sit down to take it as it can make him dizzy but I have a friend who has no such effect and it helps her a great deal.
I'm super sensitive with drugs however I had no problems with the spray.
Thanks everyone you have all been very helpful. I will take the Spray but I will make sure my husband is here first time. It's the unknown that scares us so much but if it helps to relieve the symptoms then it's worth a try. Take care of yourselves and I don't feel so alone now.
Has it been prescribed because you have chest pain or just in case as when I was prescribed it ?
It is used on an as needed basis and 'cannot breathe' does not sound like a reason for it.
Thanks seasider18.
Did you find it helpful with your breathing and any side effects. I didn't quite understand what you meant by " does not sound like a reason for it ". I will only take it when im really having trouble breathing but I have found that because of my anxiety I am making the situation worse. I need to relax a little then maybe things will get easier. It is just not having a proper diagnosis which is hard and waiting to be seen by the cardiologist seems to take ages. They say patience is a virtue sadly I don't have much patience in these cases.
I didn't have any breathing problems. They kept on giving me sprays for about twelve years but I never used them as I did not have angina type pain. I several times had false positives when having stress ECG's but angiograms showed my arteries to be clear. I did have aortic stenosis but it did not cause chest pain. They dish out sprays to any suspects.
What do you think is causing your breathing problem apart from anxiety?
Sorry forgot to say I do get chest pains but its more tightness and breathlessness. Dr thinks it is Angina but will know once I've been seen properly.
Have you not had an ECG at the surgery. That would be the first step for diagnosis. My wife gets out of breath quite easily. She has slight ectopic beats that he hears but she is not aware of. Her ECG was basically ok. Doctor gave her the minimum dose of ramipril to take for a month to see if it helps but no difference after two weeks.
Yes I had an ECG, Chest X-Ray and Blood tests at A&E and was just told that I was being referred to the Rapid Heart Clinic. All this started is because I told my Dr I wanted to quit smoking as felt breathless etc and she decided to do a Troponin blood test and that evening she called me saying it was high and to get to A&E. This scared the life out of me but hadn't had a MI and now just waiting. As far as im aware results where ok just Troponin level was still bit high.
Stopping smoking will make a big difference. Just stop, from experience cutting down does not really work as the temptation is always there. I stopped in 1993 after smoking 20 day for 40 years. A consultant told me that in seven years my chances of heart disease and lung cancer would be as if I had never smoked.
Strange seven years later I was at the chest pain clinic and my BP was 210/110. Even stranger after years on a range of BP drugs with side effects my BP has more or less settled down with just odd peaks after an early morning high. Now off all meds but still in permanent AF that I seldom notice.
Hi 😊 There are no stupid questions here, never! Please use your spray when you experience tightness or discomfort in your chest. As long as your sitting down (because it lowers blood pressure) you will be fine. You will almost definitely get a headache, but look on it as a good sign, that your blood vessels are open and blood is getting where it is needed, namely your heart. 😊
GTN spray is not such an issue as you would think, I tried not to use it and calm myself down. However that is not a good plan if the chest is painfull or feels like a lot of pressure on it, that is a good time to sit down and take a blast or two.
I was in a lot of pain with a spasm in my back when I had an angina attack it sorted both out. It seems it can be a good muscle relaxer too. But not to be used for that alone they tell me.
Be Well
Just took my first spray. Straight on internet looking at what to expect . Must stop doing this as makes things worse. Results Blood pressure dropped , Anxious but that's cause I was waiting for the worse to happen. 50 minutes from taking the spray I have a dry mouth but still bit panicky. First time use I expect. Is dry mouth normal though as this is all that concerns me now. At least I tried it.
well done Mandi good to be sitting down if your BP fell is your BP high or low usually?
It's a very well tried medication- sure you will find it helpful let us know how you get on
Thanks rosyG,
I normally have low blood pressure and after taking the spray it dropped even more. My levels where 88/54 but I'm usually in the Hypotension region. It may be due to me being Anorexic as very low body weight. The spray did help and no headache but I did feel as if my throat was closing and found it hard to swallow which did worry me a bit but after spraying the stuff I had to swallow whether I was supposed to or not I don't know. I have a very sore throat and feels like I have a lump in it now not sure if this is a side effect but apart from that everything seems to be ok. Thanks for caring though.🙂
My cardiologist said the best way to use the spray is to spray it on your finger and then rub your finger under your tongue.
Thanks Kresta,
That sounds like a really good idea as I am Disabled and have trouble with my nerve endings so I cannot press the spray with my finger as don't have any strength in it. I had to use my thumb so the spray may have not been aimed properly. I will try this different way as would be much easier for me. Do you know if a sore throat is normal as can't find the answer anywhere and although not serious it's just concerned me a bit.
HiMandie, I was diagnosed with AF and severe chest pain nearly four years ago. As it continues with the chesy pain had to phone ambulance each time and admitted to hospital. They did all the angiograms tests etc. Could not find anything wrong but pout me on warfarin . When the ambulance came firs time around gave me spray and my blood pressure fell so low my cardiologist has stopped it but paramedics still insist on making me take it but only use one spray. I have told then cardio said not to take it as its only used for angina pains. So I have put a stop to that, but having had four bouts of chest pain with AF in two weeks my cardio has me on Amioderone which I am not happy about. Must say not had an attack for four weeks now. But next step is pace maker if these tabs make me ill etc. Good luck and hope all turns out well for you.
Hi Dottilind,
Im so sorry that you have had a bad time. As i have not seen the cardiologist yet i have no idea whats wrong with me. This makes things worse as im always worrying. I have an appointment in August but im inpatient so want to see a private cardiologist just for the consultation as i cant afford private treatment. I am wary of the spray as with an un diagnosed condition it could make things worse. I wish you well and i know what you mean about the tablets as i was on Bisopolol or something like that and they made me terrible that i stopped taking them.
Do as the specialist says they know what they are doing if you have a good one.
Oh dear I felt just like you did, when I first saw the Dr when I kept getting palpitations, anxiety plus several other symptoms my Dr gave me the spray, I used it twice, I made sure I was sitting down and had no side effects, when diagnosed with paroxysmal atrial fibullation I was told I didn't need it and was given the appropriate medication
Me too Mandie. Just today. I'm so glad you posted this. I don't know the answer but I think headaches and acres rash on cheeks are common..my gran got those but she said apart from that the gtn spray made her feel so much better. I still remember her taking it when walking with us before going up a hill bless her. Now it's like I'm the younger her.let me know own how you get on please X take care