Hi all, has anyone found anything helpful for their AF, based on natural or complementary therapies or dietary supplements? I've been meditating daily for years, and feel quite disappointed that I haven't managed to 'Zen' my way to a sinus rhythm haha! I've also tried magnesium oil (as a spray onto skin), and Hawthorn Extract pills - neither of which had any effect. Just wondering if anyone's found anything useful?
Are complementary therapies helpful f... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Are complementary therapies helpful for AF?

I take 250 mg of magnesium taurate daily. My doctor took me off all medication last week. So far the magnesium seems to keep my heart rate down. Time will tell
Wouldn't it be nice if we could find some magic for AF in complimentary therapies. The ones that I have tried don't seem to have any impact on my heart but do help give me more energy.
Find one you enjoy and it may help you cope with the everyday living with AF - but don't ever expect a cure. Lifestyle changes, treating any underlying condition(s), balanced diet, exercise and meditation may do more.
My Naturopath says he treats a number of AF patients with a Mg compound and CoQ10. I have to mention the Mg compound brand name, Nutri MegaMag Muscleze as I have found no other with such a collection of ingredients appropriate to AF/heart; I actually take half of the recommended dose.
Whether these supplements and any lifestyle changes work for you is probably very dependent on your individual circumstances. I think it has helped me, I am 63 with vagally mediated Lone PAF, no other co morbidities and a lot of lifestyle changes but I still take 200mgs Fleacinide per day.
Thanks for the comments. I've just read this nutritional article and it seems quite sensible...
By Bill Sardi - Controlling Atrial Fibrillation Without Drugs.
Hi Wendy
I wish you well, but with a statement in the fourth paragraph like "The medical literature points to elevated blood sugar levels as the primary CAUSE of Atrial Fibrillation" I could not describe the article as "sensible"
Your choice of course
Be well
I do agree... Sardi does does not provide the lit refs to the 'facts' he offers. Meta analyses elicit the association between AF and diabetes mellitus; this has been shown in both epidemiology and experimental studies, although these do not reveal causal or correlation relationships. While some studies do show a direct link between glucose intolerance/insulin resistance and risk of developing AF (especially in women), confounding factors such as obesity and inflammatory responses complicate the matter. Following my first hosp admission this year, I recall every doctor asking me if i was diabetic, and was thoroughly tested for this, so there seems to be a general awareness of the link with diabetes, even if we don't know the exact physiological mechanisms. But I'm not even pre-diabetic and even after putting myself on a low-carb/sugar diet, there's no reduction in the frequency of my AF episodes! :o)
Have l look at careuny's post on eating certain foods (fodmap). I agree with many of his comments. I believe they were posted on the 'AGE - how old were you when you first had afib.' thread.
When I was in the hospital after heart stoppage from asymptomatic afib that became ventricular tachycardia and stopped my heart, my cardiologists started me on CoQ10, 300 mg per day, which I continue to take. I also take flax oil and eat lots of fish. After reading posts on to this website, I switched from calcium supplements to Magnesium Taurate, which is thought to be better for heart health than calcium. I don't take any supplements that have anticoagulant properties because I am taking Eliquis. I have read where Lutein and Zeaxanthin are beneficial. I have found that a good diet and exercise allow me to enjoy wine, caffeine and sweet treats in moderation. All of my checkups since my heart failure occurred have been very good, but I was fit when my heart stopped. My doctors told me that being fit saved my life because only 5% of those who suffer full cardiac arrest survive.
I have just started a new protocol that I got from Dr Bruce West a natural doctor I read about that includes whole food supplements made by Standard Process. Only been taking them for less than two weeks so too early to tell. I was advised to stay on the protocol for 4 months and report back my symptoms to see if any changes need to be made. I read reviews from people that had A Fib that were very pleased as it seemed to have cured them. Sure hope it works.