I know that a-fib is triggered in a lot of people by alcohol. I am interested to know after how much and how soon after consuming alcohol is it triggered?
How long does it take for alcohol to ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
How long does it take for alcohol to trigger A-fib

When it affected me I didn't even have to swallow. As soon as I sipped anything with alcohol it hit me. Also food with alcohol . My worst ever was after eating a profiterole with chocolate sauce in which there was brandy. No longer normally a problem since my ablations but I still avoid profiteroles!
For me it was a couple of hours quite often once in bed.
Hello Jonathan, my favourite tipple was Gold Label Barley Wine, it's very strong but I drank it for years, until one day out for lunch I had one with my meal, and an hour later my heart was banging out of my chest. I haven't had an alcoholic drink since, but what I notice is that Family and friends still say to me 'having a barley'? I wish ! !
I'm fortunate (I think!!) in that I have never been a great drinker......an occasional glass of white wine, but most evenings my wife and I share a can of lager with our dinner.....hey, we know how to live!! However, just over a year ago, a hotel in Portugal gave us a bottle of "bubbles" for my birthday, and that evening I went into AF. Last October, we shared a small bottle of "bubbles" on a posh ship, and had a couple of chocolates more than I should have, and I had a short bout of AF that evening. This was 3 months after my ablation. No bubbles since, but I did have a short episode of AF a couple of weeks ago for no apparent reason.....

I am sure it was the chocolate not the bubbles :). I like these replies as they confirm alcohol does not trigger my a-fib. Something else has!
Not so sure I would agree with that Jonathan as there is lots of evidence to the contrary.....also, we had absolutely NO chocolate the first time!!!!!
I'm now wondering if I have read the same answers to your post as you appear to have!

The reason I asked the initial question was really out of interest in the timing between when a-fib occurs in relation to alcohol consumption. Based on these answers and my history of a-fib I can conclude that my a-fib has never been triggered by alcohol. For me, there has been no link between the timing of my a-fib and my alcohol consumption.
Once prior to ablation, Like BobD, I had only just sipped the mouthful of bourbon into my mouth and was in full AF. Never happened again but I was wary from then on. I think the grain alcohols versus wine with much less makes a difference.
I'm ok on 2 glasses of wine, but the other week I had a tiny cherry brandy too. The following day I was bumping till late afternoon. Pretty severe too. . I think its spirits with me.
I was shopping in the supermarket before Christmas and saw that Advocat was on offer. Got on the phone to my daughter and said, "Shall I get some for Christmas and we can make some snowball drinks" (remember them?). On Christmas day from about 12 midday onwards I had four and went into really horrible AF around 5pm. I stayed like that for a week afterwards and I certainly won't be doing that again! The one glass of red wine I had Christmas Eve didn't appear to have any effect at all.
2 - 4 hours
Johathan_C For me I had a sip of prosecco, swallowed and immediately went into full AF. It has happened twice so I never drink at all now, its not worth it for me.
can be hours - can be one sip - I now avoid as I cant enjoy the drink as am too worried about AF - cheese has the same effect on me and the worst is mascarpone which is difficult to avoid if you like puddings.
I stopped having the occasion drink as soon as I had AF. I am now the official taxi on any outing.
Different for all, sometimes I have no affects after 2. Other times I do
I have two glasses of wine a night ,not a problem so far ,long may it continue !!
mine is always in the night if I have a glass of wine in the daytime around 1pm then im ok, but If I drink a glass of wine then go to bed within 6 hours of drinking it I go into af.I also get really hot in night when I have had a glass of wine. I think a lot of it is also dehydration I drink a lot of water and cannot have more than 1 glass of wine now days unfortunately, I wish it wasn't one of my triggers as I would love a few drinks out with my friends and not have to think about it.
I can get away with a few beers without any repercussions. What I have found is dehydration is a massive trigger for me. I don't drink every night only occasionally on a weekend, however those occasions can be quite sociable and all I will say is I go over the recommended daily allowance. The next day I can be fine as long as I take on plenty of (Non alcoholic) fluids. However, several occasions my AF has kicked in. It's usually when I over exert myself, whilst still dehydrated. I cut alcohol out for a good while and still got AF, but I know too much of a good time is going to wake my AF.
I have PVCs and for me , alcohol makes them go away . The usual prescribed pharmaceuticals do very little for me , but I also know that alcohol can not be a daily treatment. But once in a while , several glasses of wine are a great relief