Hi there,
An echocardiogram showed I have a moderately enlarged left atrium that is causing my 24*7 AF. I am on amiodorone 200mg daily and no longer in AF; I feel great!
Ive made lifestyle adjustments - 90% less alcohol, no endurance exercise, decaf coffee only and more sensible food choices.
I will be having a catheter ablation next year May 2022 (due to health fund wait for 12m on pre-existing condition).
My enlarged atrium was probably caused by uncontrolled high blood pressure and maybe endurance exercise.
I asked for another echocardiogram in 12 months to see if the enlargement has shrunk - so as to not require the catheter ablation at all and be taken off amiodarone.
Has anyone else seen a reverse in atrium enlargement? Over what period and was it effective in stopping AF?
Thanx in advance.