This is my second ablation and my groin seems to be taking longer to heal, with my first one after a few days I didn’t really notice my groin any more but with this one I am ten days in and still my groin doesn’t feel right is this normal ? I think they cut me differently this time it doesn’t feel hot to touch but I am still getting a bit of pain from the site I also have a lump there too which I know you can husband says I am being impatient I probably am I am not doing anything just resting but was just wondering if this was normal.
How long did it take for your groin t... - Atrial Fibrillati...
How long did it take for your groin to heal

I’m inclined to agree with your Hubby, us men have to stick together!
Given from what you say, there appears to be no obvious signs of infection, therefore there is not much more I can say. Why not contact the hospital, they might ask you to send them a photo or suggest you go to A&E or see your GP. Unless it changes dramatically, I personally would avoid A&E …….

Its not often husbands are right (I know this very well) but on this occasion he is.
You are actually very lucky as it may slow you down enough for the heart to heal properly before you resume dervish activity. If your groin is still sore think how your heart must feel. Many people notice a hard slightly uncomfortable lump which is quite common and as for the bruising! After one of mine I had a Jackson Pollock painting from waist to knee for weeks!
Took 3-4 weeks for my bruising and lump to go away. This is within normal limits.
I've had three ablations and with every one my groin wound was different. First time I had a lump there, lots of bruising and it took ages to heal, can't remember about the second one, but the third was like nothing had been cut in that area. If by next Monday it continues to feel sore, then I would speak to your GP.
With my first groin wound I fussed about the lump, felt sure something had been left inside me. Went to my GP who said all was ok, still felt something was wrong and a few days later when still not right I went to A&E. They said all normal and I started to feel quite foolish. Trouble is I wasn't on this site then and had no idea what to expect.
I should give it a bit longer to heal but if it starts to feel infected see the doc. Best of luckX
Not a medic but I had 3 ablations last year so sharing from memory.All of the recoveries were slightly different. In terms of the groin, as I understand and remember it the things to look out for are:
If the lump gets bigger or harder, rather than reducing as it heals. It should be about the size of a broad bean.
Bruising is Normal but keep an eye If it is spreading. (Mine were all about the size of a rugby ball... number 2 was a little bigger and more colourful as I recall... I think some get bruising down to the knee)
If there is heat or other sign of infection.
Bleeding or seeping.
The fact sheet is very helpful!
I think what you describe is probably normal but I would also not ignore your gut feeling. Your gp could always take a look if you were concerned.
Thankyou Fullofheart my first ablation last November was so different from this one and it just seems that my groin this time is taking longer to heal and I didn’t have any lump with the last one so was a bit concerned as to how it was feeling this time, the lump is still there and I don’t think it is getting any bigger the pain isn’t as bad today either so fingers crossed it’s starting to get better.
Thar sounds positive indeed, but if you're still in pain or feeling something isn't right, don't be afraid to seek reassurance.Hope things keep going in the right direction. 🤞🏻🌸