Hi all,
It’s been a month since I had my ablation and I just wanted to give a positive update.
First of all, thank you to everyone who read/replied to all my posts this year whilst I was going through some horrible times. This forum was such a huge source of comfort.
So, after four weeks the difference in how I feel is pretty remarkable! I haven’t really done very much in the way of totally back to normal life yet, but I’m certainly back to being able to do general housework & some gardening! Am speaking to my boss about a possible return to work next week too.
My heart rate has been in NSR since the op, apart from one blip last week. My resting heart rate is around 80 (was 55 before) but I feel better for it now. It is a joy to not be taking all the different meds that I’ve tried in the last few months, and just remain on my apixaban. Should have my follow up appointment soon.
Just wanted to say that in my opinion, it was 100% worth having done - even during COVID, and I am so grateful that it was able to go ahead.
Early days, but I feel like it’s given me a chance of getting my life back. 😊
Thank you all again. Hope you’re all doing okay. 🤞🏼