Post Ablation Symptoms: Hi I am new to... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Post Ablation Symptoms

8 Replies

Hi I am new to this. I have had an Ablation 3 weeks ago for paf.

Has anybody had the following symptoms following this procedure?

Rapid heart beat


Extreme tiredness

Headaches if so how long did they last


weakness and lightheaded

How long were you off work


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8 Replies
BobD profile image

All of the above/; This is quite normal although few doctors explain.

1) your heart has been assaulted and will take at least three to six months to settle down and lots of "events" will occur in that time.

2) raise heart rate (often 80 to 90) is common post ablation but should settle down over the next few months.

3) Migraine with aura is a function of the transeptal puncture. Don't know why but accept it and it should go in a week or two.

4)Yes you will feel tired and weak. You may not have a giant zip up your front but you have still had some serious work done inside. Listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard.

5) I was retired when I started my ablation journey but did far too much following my first as nobody told me anything. After that it was "do nothing for the first week and not a lot more for the second and then ease back in gently."

6) We are all different and all need different levels of recovery so your last question is impossible to answer. I would say minimum two weeks followed by phased return but if you have a sedentary job then this may be reduced. Some people take far longer so don't beat yourself up about it.

Hope that helps


CDreamer profile image

Hi cpotts - all of the above and what Bob said.

Back to work - Depends upon person, how you respond to procedure (my first made me worse so had second 3 months later which was completely successful), how fast you heal and what your tolerance level is for symptoms, type of work and other variable such as type of procedure and expertise of person performing the procedure.

I was back at work after 10days but self-employed, sedentary and could organise my own time schedule. I was flying abroad after about 3 weeks but found that incredibly tiring.

If work is at all physical I would err on the cautious side and look at a graded return to exercise and physical work +1 month - but forget time scales and listen to your body, you will know when you are ready!

Fast HR lasted about 9 months for me - on and off. I still get very occasional runs of Tachycardia coming up to 3 years later.

Hope it works for you first time, best wishes for speedy recovery CD

rosie321 profile image

Hi, I had my first and hopefully only ablation 3 DAYS ago. It is very early days but so far:

Rapid heart beat

- yes ,but seems to be settling down and is much calmer

ectopics- yes,

but nowhere near as much as prior to ablation

Extreme tiredness

- very extreme

weakness and lightheaded- yes feel very delicate but doing 100% resting to aid recovery.

The other symptom i have is reflux, which my gp prescribed lansoprazole ( that was after asking the question here re ablation and reflux).

I have booked 2 weeks off of work to do nothing, although all being well i plan to get on the train and see 3 clients for counselling in London, next Friday ( which will be after 10 days of complete rest). If i do not feel up to it i will need to cancel them, but would rather not.

It is amazing that you are not told of the symptoms that may occur post ablation, when you leave hospital, or given any information at all for that matter. I am very grateful for this forum , for the information and reassurance given, as it is only from here that i have any awareness of post ablation.

Good luck with your recovery and as i have been told many times listen to your body!

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to rosie321

Rosie I agree with your frustration at lack of adequate information re recovery and it is my intention to discuss this with a leading EP I know to see if we can produce a definitive guide for patients. Don't expect anything any time soon though!


rosie321 profile image
rosie321 in reply to BobD

Bob, I think that is a fantastic idea and much needed. If there is no time for doctor/nurses to discuss prior to discharge (as they are rushed off of their feet) then a simple clear pamphlet, to take home, would be extremely helpful . I was only told not to drive for a couple of days and to change my groin dressing after 2 days. When i asked if it was "normal" to have such a racing heart all night after my ablation ( i watched the heart monitor most of the night when i couldn't sleep), no one could give me a straight answer and I was told that they did not have a trace of it to look at !!!

Bimes profile image

New on here but I am in the same boat. It's about 2 weeks post my 2nd ablation for AF and it's a constant battle of mind over fear. I get pretty constant skipped beats which started about 3 months after the 1st ablation. Just trying to tell myself my heart needs to heal up as I had 2 ablation within 7 months.

How long did it take for the skipped beats to go away, because they put me in constant fear of flipping back into AF?

Hi I am now 5 weeks post ablation. Still very tired and weak just want to sleep all the time. I take Apixaban at the moment just wondering if anybody has experienced tiredness and weakness while taking this?

Drummerswidow profile image

I had my ablation 5 weeks ago today. I ended back in hospital (local one), with possible pneumonia/ chest infection. I am self employed so only had a week off. The information they give you is very minimal. I had chest pain, headaches and still very, very tired and suffering with breathlessness. I have cut back on my work and try and do short days but finances are an issue. I can’t walk very far.

My heart rate is much better and had a couple of episodes and ectopic but nothing like before. I was in AF all the time. I’m still taking Bisoprolol and Flecainide as well as Apixaban. We’re all different. I hope I feel better soon! Good luck with your recovery.

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