Firstly I want to say a big thank you to all who post on here.
I found this site by chance only two days ago and find it very informative and reassuring. I was diagnosed with sinus arrhythmia about 10 years ago and was told because I was on a beta blocker for high blood pressure no other treatment was necessary. So I tried to ignore all the symptoms ie breathlessness, dizziness, tiredness.
I also have hemochromatosis (iron overload disease) and a year ago happened to mention to my consultant that my symptoms of the sinus arrhythmia were getting increasingly debilitating. I was subsequently diagnosed with AF. Which makes me question if this is what it was all along?
I saw a cardiologist in July and he has referred me to see a EP with the view of having a catheter ablation. I have the appointment to see him in March. This all seems to take so long. Meanwhile my AF episodes are like clockwork. Every 8 days I will go into AF and the episodes last for between 44 and 48 hours. It is like someone flicks a switch on and off in my chest. My symptoms are very debilitating and I lose 2 days a week of my life. In between episodes I am reasonably fine, although I have other health problems.
I have many questions and am finding many answers from the communities on here but I have not come across any posts that answer this question. Does anyone else have AF episodes they can almost set their clocks by?
I also have what might seem a silly question but is worrying me - after I have had the ablation and assuming all goes to plan - will I be fit enough to travel accompanied on public transport the following day? I ask this as the hospital I am having this in is in London and I can ill afford a taxi and my husband is nervous of driving in London.