Also get the odd SV ectopic beats on past 24 HR Holter.
Have had ,since young,Sinus Tachycardia normaly in Early hours.
Had one episode when having an ECHO at cardiology 130BPM
The register gave me a Bisopralol 2.5mg to take for a month it calmed in a couple of hours without treatment.So did not take Bisopralol
I seldom drink alcholol 1 coffee a day and one tea!
I was on Propranolol 40mg 2x a day for a year after Mitral Valve Surgery,i was only put on it a few days after Heart Operation for Sinus tachycardia,
and as there is no clinical studies or evidence based studies to take betablockers
for Mitral Valve Repair decided to do without it with Surgeons agreement.
Had another episode of Sinus Tachycardia yesterday afternoon after Migraine
and didn't have dizzyness or short of breath about 130PBM from sitting and then while walking.Took one 2.5mg bisopralol last night as a one off but was wondering if i should now stop completely or take half tablet tonight... is tapering required for such a short time!Haven't been able to contact GP or Cardiologist
on Hols, asked Pharmacy but refered to GP or Cardio,but should really get an answer
I do have some mild asthma and use ventolin spray after a year on Propranolol it seemed to slightly affect asthma but Bisopralol is cardioselective i have heard.I think it is quite an important question,
Thanks for any advice.