Laying on a gurney now for past 7 hours after presenting to ED with heart rate in 120-150 but in sinus rhythm associated with some mild fatigue, accompanied by a bump in my troponins level fom 15-40. Had similar episode 4 weeks ago. Each time no a fib detected. Everything else completely wnl and no cv symptoms. Docs are erring on side of cautious and admitting me for observation. Now 3 hours waiting fo a bed . Stress test and Echo planned for tomorrow. Such a bummer after being asymptomatic for 8 years but now I have had a total of 3 of these blips in past 13 months . Cardiologist and EP cardio likely will recommend mapping and ablation .Nothing like starting the year off with a bang. No question to ask ...but woukd appreciate as we say in the US "thoughts and prayers"
Sinus tachycardia : Laying on a gurney... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Sinus tachycardia

Your in the right place and they are doing all the right tests. Sinus tach can have many causes and probably nothing too serious. But like you say they are erring on the side of caution.
You’re on your way to getting the info you need to make a considered decision if need be - I’m hoping it’s resolved easily - great that they are being cautious though (& I’m hoping you’re somewhere more comfortable by the time you read this!)
Dear Aegean56. You have my thoughts and prayers. Take care.
oh gosh…. Yes thoughts, prayers and anything else we can send! Keep us posted-
Thoughts and prayers for sure on your next steps in fixing this frustrating problem.
Simus tachycardia :A quick update. I'm feeling much better. Back home after an overnight ruling out major acute events (stroke, MI and PE) .Metabolic and endocrine studies wnl. Telemetry did not capture any A- fib and sinus tachycardia responded to extra dosing of Metoprolol. So cardiologist is giving some consideration to possible SVT event . Had echo late this afternoon and stress test scheduled in outpatient.
I have f/u appt with my EP specialist to discuss either the Ziopatch or a Loop recorder to see if these are indeed brief episodes of A Fib with rapid ventricular response that the Kardia is not capturing. He will also likely schedule an EP mapping study. Meanwhile, the cardiologist suggested going up on the beta blocker to 75 mg bid if my BP can tolerate it.
It's a bit frustrating not having definitive answers but there is a plan. For now I'm glad to be to home resting in my own bed with a HR 65-72 bpm!
Thanks for all of your support and consideration
What kardia type/model are you using? is it 6-lead or less? Wish you the very best!! Please keep us updated over time, even if no more issues!