My hair is still thinning after year on warfarin with itchiness in scalp. INR technician and GP say that hair will not be totally lost!
Have others dealt with this...apart from changing to a NOAC?
Thanks...from elderly female!
My hair is still thinning after year on warfarin with itchiness in scalp. INR technician and GP say that hair will not be totally lost!
Have others dealt with this...apart from changing to a NOAC?
Thanks...from elderly female!
Been on it for 12 years and still got all my hair at 71+ but we are all different.
I'm in the same boat as you My hair is thinning and there is always hair on my comb when I dress it My hairdresser says it's due to the Warfarin although hair thinning does occur with agingI have brought a set of hair products which is supposed to help with this problem so I'm waiting to see ! I'm seeing my consultant next month and am going to ask him if I can change to one of the newer anticoagulants as I feel it is now noticeable
I had the same problem. As my hairdresser said, if there were hair products or vitamins that cured hair loss, why hasn't Elton John with all his money found them? Changing to an NOAC helped. Difficult to know how much is due to the medication and how much is part of the ageing process.
A (male) doctor told me that hair loss was not a known side effect. I told him to read the small print on the medication information.
I too have loads of hair in my brush each morning, plus the itching, which wears off once I am showered and dressed. I have been on warfarin for 5 years and would be apprehensive about changing over. I console myself by saying... at least it takes less time to dry now its not so thick.
I do wonder though, do we still get new growth of hair once we are old. After all it still grows in length.
A while ago there was a feeling on the forum that warfarin was best - tried and tested over many years - and you had to be brave to move to a NOAC because they were new and there was no antidote. My GP surgery thought the same three years ago and it was warfarin only, but now they have lots of patients on NOACs. EPs used to favour warfarin too, but mine has changed his mind. There has been a significant shift.
Anyone with reservations about NOACs can maybe relax and cavalier GPs who are ill informed or take the put-up-with-it attitude over hair loss, especially for women, should perhaps change their outdated views.
Quite agree. Hair loss has been reported for several years on here and attributed to warfarin but as I said we are all different. Ladies tend to suffer hair loss due to hormonal changes as they age and wafarin obviously doesn't help. I lost all ,my body hair when on hormone treatment post cancer surgery but my head of hair and moustache stayed luxuriant. My wife who is NOT on anticoags of any kind has more of a problem than I and when I have to clean out the blocked shower outlet is it always honey blonde!
As I understand it, if you only have AF then NOACs are possible. But if you have an artificial heart valve, then Warfarin is obligatory because Warfarin protects against problems from the new valve. It is to do with the specific ways Warfarin protects, which are not the same to NOACs.
Yes, NOACs are not suitable for everyone. And sometimes people just don't get on with some of them.
Hi Rellim296 I am one of the people who did not get on with NOACs very bad side effects on my kidneys etc. Put on Warfarin and different story altogether I am doing fine.
Just shows we are all different Best Wishes. J
I had problems with thinning hair and brittle nails on Warfarin. I tried all the products that were recommended on here, but nothing worked for me. I changed to Rivaroxaban and the situation is getting better. My nails don't break as much and my hair is starting to get thicker again.
Oh yes brittle nails I understand.
I am on Pradaxa since last May and my hair is thinning. My scalp doesn't itch but instead tingles and burns. I'm feeling very sorry for myself, all this medicine causes lousey side effects. I hope the thinning doesn't continue to get worse , good luck to you, Gracey
My hair has been thinning for several years and have never taken warfarin or any other anticoagulant than Pradaxa which I have been on for a couple of years. I'm in my mid70's and think it is age related.
This may be, in part, a sign that the meds are reducing our vitamin stores, so the hair just can't grow as well. The idea of taking a good (try a Health shop) multi-vit-and-mineral is that it provides nearly all the vitamins and minerals the body needs in a good quantity, so one's body can take and use what it wants, and get rid of the rest. Three months is the minimum length of time to try it for, to get the full effect, but it wouldn't hurt to try it for six months. One's overall health may well improve, and hopefully the hair as well.