Want my energy back.: I have just been... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Want my energy back.

groesclose profile image
10 Replies

I have just been prescribed slozem 120mg. I have af and the betablocker i was on making very tired. Any comments please. I do so hate taing tablets. Many thanks.

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groesclose profile image
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10 Replies
BobD profile image

Nobody like to but the choice is clear. Diltiazem turned me into a zombie but each to his own. We are all different and one really does have to keep trying different drugs till one comes along that suits. I think that is why so many of us chose ablation.

R1100S1 profile image

Am on 240mg as unable to cope with beta blockers as astmatic

Don't notice feeling very tired - strange how we all react in different ways

Also on Losartan

Keep up the good fight

groesclose profile image
groesclose in reply to R1100S1

Thanks for the reply. My cardiologist has started me on 120mgs to see if they suit me better that the betablockers for the af. So frightened of another stroke want to get as well as i can so hope the slozem works. Have been on apixaban for while which has been better than the predaxa which unfortunately caused a bleed. With a bit of luck will suit. Fingers crossed. I wondered if anyone out there who has unfortunatly had a stroke gets progressively better. I seem so good one day then for no reason i'm wiped out next day?

sneakyblonde profile image
sneakyblonde in reply to groesclose

Hi, I am Cindy,

I am so sorry to hear of your conditions. I have "Provigil" I take. I don't know if you can use it, ask your doc. (Without it - I sleep all day.)

As for walking and being wiped out the next day... there is a condition called, "exercise intolerance". I have Behcets and if I do to much, the next day I am wiped out! B-Complex helps, there is a Sublingual B-Complex, for energy.

I turned down the Predaxa. I have some different problems than all of you. I have had two Pulmonary Embolisms. They formed in my lung, not from a clot in my leg. My doc said we could use Predaxa. I told her I do not like NEW drugs. I got the lecture about , "It is tested on hundreds of people..". I told her we will see when there are MILLONS of prescriptions written. Thankfully, I opted for Warafin, it is reversible with plasma.. Then, we hear of all the cases like yours! I am so sorry there are meds out there like that. It can't be reversed like warafin can. I hope you get in on the mass law suit!! Do you see the commercials for the Law Suit on T.V. in your area? If not look it up on line! ( I am going to be part of the P.P.I. law suit - I am in stage three Kidney Failure. My doc had not even heard of the Kidney problems, until I asked for different meds!)

Keep trying, it is all we can do.


SRMGrandma profile image

It's really frustrating when the meds we need make us feel listless, exhausted, and lacking any energy. I very much dislike taking medications too! I realized that every morning I had to toss back 3 different meds, each labeled with the caution that it would make me drowsy. To combat it, I started to go for a 4 mile hike as soon as I took them each day, and I soon realized that the exercise totally knocked out the side effect of fatigue for me. If I don't do the walk, I have zero energy, but if I push past it, it's a win! We each have to try to figure out how to function best, but that's the one that worked for me. Good luck!

groesclose profile image
groesclose in reply to SRMGrandma

4 mile hike! Well done you? I go to (or try to)stregnth and balance class weekly, mainly for the company if i'm honest, but 4 miles is admirable.!

SRMGrandma profile image
SRMGrandmaVolunteer in reply to groesclose

Well, the class sounds great and I'm sure it is helpful. To be honest, part of what I love about the hike is doing it with a best friend. It's exercise and therapy combined....lol...to start my day every day :-) It makes me feel SO good to do it, that it isn't tough to accomplish.

Buffafly profile image

Sorry to say, Slozem made me ' lethargic' - my cardiologist's comment and I hadn't even mentioned it! Obvs he could see me trying to stir thoughts through my treacly brain.......Unfortunately this meant that I didn't have the willpower for getting from my house to my garden let alone go for a hike so big gold star for SRMGrandma!

I realise this is no help, just saying sometimes you have to accept there is a price to pay for taking meds. I started on 240mg but 120 was much better so I hope it works for you.

Peddling profile image

Hi groesclose, re your question on stroke recovery; my partner had two severe strokes eight years ago. There have been peaks and troughs throughout his recovery, but there has been positive progress. He too experienced severe fatigue, which is a normal reaction. I don't know when you had your attack but the received opinion is that most progress is made in the six months following. Our experience is that it is ongoing. Keep attending your exercise classes, you will reap benefits. Listen to your body though and rest when you need to. Good luck.

sneakyblonde profile image

Hi, As I told you, I am not a doctor, even if I were, I am not YOUR doctor.

You must always check ANYTHING and EVERYTHING with your doctor and pharmacist.

This site is where we share our own treatments and what works or doesn't work for us. Not for you to try on your own

It is up to you to present it to your doctor and see IF you can use it.

You should not EVER try anything without your doctor's okay.

I do know B-complex can help with energy and there is a sublingual one that is quick acting. You should write this down and take it to your doctor to find out if it is right for you.

I have a whole different disease and set of problems, so I don't know IF you can take it with your meds - or not.

Next time you will know to do that.

Feel well, Cindy

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