What I had thought a few days ago was a cold, has turned out to be Covid. Here I was, prattling on about humidity and all the while, good old ‘Rona’ was brewing. My Afib had been a bit more evident in recent weeks, but not bothersome. My Covid seems to have peaked quickly and the headache and fever have gone and I’m left with just an little infrequent cough. I feel washed out, but couldn’t get much sleep last night and as soon as I woke my Afib was evident. All the chest shaking etc ( fortunately not turning into tachycardia, which is what makes me feel terrible, even ‘lowish’ tachycardia. ) What I am asking - sorry I’m being long winded - is have any of you found a similar reaction, and should I stop being anxious and ride it out ? Did you find the Afib settled again ? There’s not really anything I can do anyway, but some reassurance would certainly help my recovery !
Afib and Covid: What I had thought a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib and Covid
Ride it out. Stay well hydrated and try to eat plenty. I'm twelve days in, still positive and exhausted but nothing bad happened apart from raised HR, migraine aura and a very productive cough..
Thanks Bob. When I wrote the post, I hadn’t seen that you ( and a few other regulars ! ) had Covid. It made me feel a bit pathetic I can tell you. But my having Covid may explain why I sent that other post to you individually - Covid brain fog ! Sorry again for that. As it turns out, it was more Covid and less humidity ! I’ll follow your advice Bob, and stiff upper lip and all that…..I do hope you feel brighter soon.
On Wednesday last Sam found me trying to turn the TV on with my phone so don't talk to me abut brain fog. lol 😁
That’s hilarious ! Sounds like my husband on a normal day though🤔…..These little things are surprisingly amusing - afterwards !
thank you for sharing Bob your an inspiration to people I got diagnosed with cipd along with airfib for years in 63 I got covid. And have been worried to death it would get worse andI'd end up hospitalised as I'm still posotive after 7 days. Reading your post has reassured me that I'm not alone. You seen to shrug it of thankyou Bob
I had tachycardia (though hovering around 100 first) then a short burst of mild AF, then tachy again. After two days, HR down to 80.
Thanks Buffafly. It’s encouraging to hear your Afib didn’t continue. My higher heart rate went after my temperature lowered. I believe the heart rate of anyone rises with a fever. I just want to believe Ginger Baker in my chest is going to put his drumsticks down before too long ! I hope you are better now.
I had a visit from Rona with pneumonia last year - episode of AF on and off, took a while to settle - about 3 weeks. Unless you are seriously ill stay at home and ride it out. Hospital was the worst place to be in my experience.
Thanks CDreamer. I think because I feel I have got away lightly with the more noticeable Covid symptoms, I am impatient to get out of bed and start walking up and down the hall so I don’t get to weak. Then when the Afib set in more seriously this morning, I started to worry the Covid had sent me on a downward Afib spiral. Thanks for your input.
I’m trying to ride it out too, apart from galloping heart, ringing in my ears and a crappy cough I don’t feel to bad, certainly not as poorly as the 1 time I had flu many years ago. Hopefully we’ll all feel much better soon.
Ride it out if you can. Rona can upset the body big time and not surprised various bits ache, thump, go doolally and make you feel like you have been through the wringer. Rest, keep hydrated, sleep, watch mindless tv etc and let the body heal. I hope you feel better soon. x
Thanks Frances, I do have this constant feeling that I should pull myself together and ‘get over’ it. I have a sense of my long-dead mum watching over my shoulder and murmuring “ that bathroom needs sorting…” 😄. No acrobats and drummers in my chest this morning so I feel more able to face the day……
The notion of convalescence seems to have disappeared from modern society and there is an expectation that bodies will just bounce back quickly. Overdoing too soon is a sure fire recipe for relapses with viral illnesses. The immune system needs support to work properly especially as we age and it weakens and rest is key.
pardon my ignorance, but what is Rona?
I have just had the covid vaccine and this has triggered my a fib and pvcs. My cardiologist said it should settle after a couple of weeks.
HI yes did for me too.Also had muzzy head and raging tinnitus ,has anyone else on here suffered the same after Moderna?
I have covid too. I feel horrible. High temperature on and off very sore throat and larynx and no voice! Oh and headache and blocked sinus . Loads more SVE s BUT crucially no AF or tachycardia as yet.
My hubby has it too but nowhere near as bad. I don’t want this again in a hurry that’s for sure. X
Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Everyone on this forum is so encouraging; it’s like having a huge support system on call at all times ! I hope you feel much better soon.
I read the new list of possible symptoms and think I had most - skyrocketing fever, nausea, runny blocked nose, sore throat, sneezing, aches etc and in my case a very ‘sticky’ cough which didn’t seem to be helped much by my usual combi inhaler. So asked daughter to get me some simple expectorant cough mixture. I would have phoned the pharmacist first to emphasise the ‘simple’ bit but she said she was working at home so I said not to worry. However she sent her partner off to the chemist - he came back with Otrivine nose spray, so much for ‘ask a pharmacist’ or is there something I don’t know?
I have the sticky cough too Bufferfly. I don’t like it at all! Still, as long as the vaccines keep us all out of hospital and as long as heart keeps behaving I guess in the scheme of things we are ok. X
I understand that you cant have Expectorant with AF.
Or was it because of Thyroxin. I fel it was AF.
cheers JOY
Try NAC - N acetyl cysteine. This was recommended by our chemist the last time I had a bad cough . Here in France it comes in sachets that you put in water. It makes mucus thinner and easier to cough up. I found it worked really well. It also supports immune function. I take it every day now in capsule form . I don't know if you can buy it in the sachet form in the uk but I expect places like Holland and Barret might have it in the capsule supplement form.
Do you have a preventative inhaler? The budesonide in the Symbicort inhaler is supposed to help with covid.
Interesting, will investigate that later. I have similar inhaler to symbicort (cheapie NHS version but works great) which I can use as a reliever as well. I have been using extra. However the cortisone element is supposed to dry secretions which seems to be counterproductive when you need to cough them up. So I cautiously tried the Ventolin type inhaler and it worked much better. The cough seems to be less troublesome now and the runny nose nearly dried up too so all good. Thanks very much for the advice 💗
I hope you - and all the others suffering with the virus here - feel a lot better soon. Lots of rest and TLC x
I joined the club 4 days ago and have been reading the replies to your post. It's so reassuring and helpful to hear the experiences of others and I wish you and fellow club members a very speedy recovery.
I have it as well! Not as bad as last time. Just feel generally tired, had terrible cough for all of last week but that seems to have passed now 🙏 headache and endless ammunition of mucus still here though. Heart so far playing ball 🤞 think this is day 9 now if I remember rightly. Hopefully jogs on over next few days. Want to get back to the little exercise I’m able to do.
Hi i would do what you would do with any viral infection .rest, hydrate etc and please dont call it MY COVID. you know how powerful the mind can be. GET WELL SOON.
the short answer is yes, in my case. Afib only happened to me after 1st bout of covid. I am just coming out of second bout and all is well. 🤞 the same for you.
Thought I was just feeling the cold extremities from my usual dose of Apixabin. Turned out it was Covid. AF has'nt been bothersome of late controlled by 12 step relaxation,although I normally fall asleep before I get to 12. Covid has left me with a filthy mouth, dry throat and long episodes of coughing. Little change even at its worst from the Bradycardia, I've forgotten what its like to have a pulse above mid 50's even with a temperature. Lots of clear fluids seems to be the treatment with doses of Paracetomol. Don 't try Sinutab or anything like it, they'll make you feel terrible.
Not sure what you are asking. Covid or AF.
Apparently with AF we cannot take the anti viral drug.
I havent had COVID but was a CONTACT 4 weeks ago.
cheri. JOY
hope you all recuperate quickly!
I had covid for the first time at the end of July I to went into AF for over a week it stopped for 4 days then back again for 9 days then stopped again. Then had my covid booster 1st October then back in AF for another 4 days. Now stable and fingers crossed NSR. Every time I have a virus, cold etc I get the AF back. Hope this helps