My was husband 49, active and in good health was recently diagnosed with a Pulmonary Embolism and prescribed Xarelto. We learned that he also has a hereditary blood disorder Factor V Leiden which is a mutation of one of the clotting factors in the blood. This mutation can increase your chance of developing abnormal blood clots and we have been informed that to keep the risk of future PEs he will need to be on blood thinners for life.
Since taking Xarelto for a little over a month, he is not feeling well. Body aches and pains in his legs, arms, shoulders, he feels cold, weak, and tired. He had a high threshold for pain, and now he feels everything with intensity. Without a doubt these side affects are taking a toll on his mental mood. He is sad.
Has anyone had similar side affects, and did they last while on the medication? His Doctor said it is highly unlikely that the Xarelto is causing these symptoms, but I call B.S.!