I got injections for vein insufficiency and it caused a blood clot in my foot and the doctor started me on xarelto but I’m scared to death to continue taking it based on all of the side effects and hair loss stories. Is there something else I can take or treat the swelling without taking this drug?
Fearful about taking xarelto - Atrial Fibrillati...
Fearful about taking xarelto

What side effects? I have been taking Xarelto for almost 3 years and have not had any side effects.
I read hair loss?
I haven't had hair loss, so not sure I'm your person.
That’s good news. I read that many women have which makes me concerned about taking it. I’ve only been on it a few days
Ive taken it for a year, no side effects or hair loss
It "ate" my hemoglobin. Dropped 5 points in two months. Hospitalized and got two units of blood.
All these blood class of drugs lower your hemoglobin and hct!! I am on elliquis and my hgb and hctlevels dropped also. It took a little while to notice it. I am on a iron supplement twice a week now. I have experienced my hair thinning out big time but I am also on lipitor and allopurinol which also cause hair loss. So I was doomed from the start! I do take hair,nails and skin and that seems to save what I have left. Hair is growing in but very fine and thin. My brother is on xarelto and lost a lot of hair in the past few yrs also. He also has had blood in his urine twice with unknown reason!!
I have been taking it for over three years with no side effects. I was nervous about taking it and had to be talked into it but no concerns in reality. Have a think about it. All drugs have side effects listed the issue is are you safer taking it or not. It has to be your choice. If you find it doesn't suit you then you can review your decision. Best wishes.
Thank you for you response. I read people experienced serious hair loss and fatigue while on it. I’m wondering how long I would have to take it for the blood clot to go away
Your medics will keep an eye on it and won't have you on a drug any longer than necessary. It's all for your protection and to get you back to normal. Go with the flow you can always stop the med in association with your doctor if appropriate. Best wishes.
I forgot to say you need to take xarelto at the same time of day each and every day and needs taking with food, preferably a meal rather than a snack. It has to contain fat too as it ensures the best absorption of the med. Just taken my daily dose with my evening meal hence I remembered to tell you. Good luck.
Thank you! I know, I think I need to stop reading all the scary side effects and just see what happens. I’m hoping the clot types away quickly
My hair didn't fall out but it tended to break more easily. I changed to a shampoo for damaged hair and that helped. It's not like alopecia so don't worry. If the clot moves to another part of your body things could be worse so you really need to take it - I believe it is the anticoagulant recommended for clots.
Thanks for the responses. I’ve been freaked out all weekend but I know I need to take it or the clot won’t go away. Although I read that blood thinners don’t dissolve clots but just prevent new ones from forming. I’m concerned I will have to be on it long term
I took Xarelto for about 6 months. I had a rare side effect where my bone marrow stopped making red blood cells. My red blood cell level went down to life threatening levels, and I need emergency blood transfusion of 3 pints of blood. While a rare side effect it is known to happen to women (so far only known in women) and has caused the country of Australia to ban the drug from being prescribed there.
< While a rare side effect it is known to happen to women (so far only known in women) and has caused the country of Australia to ban the drug from being prescribed there.>
Its not banned - Its on the restricted list - quote :Do not use rivaroxaban in women of childbearing age without effective contraception.
I have been taking this for 6 or 7 years now. To be honest I never even new about side effects with it or hair loss. I just think it is much better than walfrun. (Spelling May be wrong) never had any side effects. Nothing at all. Xx
Hi again just been reading about it. 15 to 20 mg should be taken with food and 10 mg without food. I take mine with my other three of my other tablets before I go to bed then another three of my other meds 12 hours later. Now all my tablets state side effects. As you know they have got to state these things. Lots are very rare. If doctor prescribes meds for you have some faith and do as you are told. You know you have got to look after yourself with the help of your doctor. So stop worrying take your tabs. It’s Bank Holiday, not very warm one. Try and enjoy it wherever you are.
I have had hair loss with xarelto, but also had it with Apixaban and dabigatran. It doesn’t affect everybody, I assume that I am prone to it as I had it with the other two drugs. Whilst hairloss is upsetting for a woman, it is better than the alternative for not taking them. Presumably you will not need to take them for life, in which case any hair loss should stop and thicken up.
I have been taking Xarelto for 18 months now and up until three months ago was fine. I seem to have an uncommon side effect of severe arm and shoulder pain but no hair loss. All drugs carry side effects and if you are susceptible to the drug unfortunately you may experience one or more of the side effects. All a bit of a lottery but if it does not suit you you can change to one of the other new drugs. Better to take the drug, Good luck
Hello, another lady here who’s been on Xarelto for three years with no hair loss or until I read the above post thought no other side effects. I have developed quite a bad pain in my shoulder and arm in the last few months and had no idea it could be a side effect. I would reiterate the need to take it at the same time every day and with food.
Been on it three years no problems full head of hair and I'm 74
Ps it's not a blood thinner t is a anticoagulant
Don’t worry it’s fine. I have been on it for six years now. Take it each night after a main meal and you will be fine.
I’ve been taking it for 5 years and have had no hair loss. No other side effects that I’m aware of and I’m a woman. They won’t take me off of it because I have such a family history of strokes.
I have been on Xarelto for 1 year and notice hair loss. I am suppose to go off in June. Was told by my doctor that there is not reports of hair loss on this drug!!! Maybe it's just me.
I've been taking it for 2 years. I haven't even had a bad bruise. I get what look like light bruises on my left forearm. Eliquis made my hair fall out and covered both forearms in purpura.
Well, I didn't know about the hair loss side-effect with xarelto but that explains a LOT. I am a female and losing hair like crazy and thought it was thyroid. I have had NO other issues with the xarelto after the first week so,but am trying to get off it. I did end up (about 2 years ago) on a few meds and my cousin warned me about getting an infection...well sure enough; I got a pretty ugly bladder/UTI that tries to rear its ugly head now and then. We are losing our insurance and I just can't afford it. I won't take warfarin as my father took that and he was constantly going to get blood work and adjusting dosage. He was a real slave to it.
Don't they have self-monitoring kits for Warfarin now? I am on Eliquis, but I believe I read about those once.
I just don't know. All of this is new to me. I had one incident nearly two years ago after some horrific traumatic family losses and now, I'm on all these meds. I have not had another incident of a-fib and first monitor was good...doctor said a "few seconds" of a-fib but he would not show me on what he was looking at. Me and husband have always been "medication free" except for my thyroid and cholesterol med and now, I'm on SIX...grrrrrrr.
I have no side effects
I've been taking it for several years and have not had any hair loss.
No side effects in five years
Thanks, it’s good to hear many don’t have hair loss. Is this drug meant to prevent new clots or does it actually help dissolve it?
I’m wondering if I should keep taking it. I got a blood clot in my foot after a vein procedure where they inject foam into vein for vein
Lucky you!