Anyone used Covonia herbal cough medicine? I read leaves and it said check with doc if you have heart condition! I thought herbal would be safe????
Covonia : Anyone used Covonia herbal... - Atrial Fibrillati...
I don't know about covonia, but one of the few questions i was asked in hospital was if i'd been on any heerbal medications, particularly ones that make you go to the loo as i recall, and the apixaban talk from the hospital pharmacist included not to take any herbal medication, best to check it out or go with something natural like honey or something?
From my experience Cavonia cough medicine should be avoided like the plague. I'm sure the bottle I looked at said DO NOT TAKE IF YOU HAVE ANY HEART CONDITION. That was after one of the worst nights of my life!
It is such a big mistake to think that "herbal" or "natural" equate with "harmless". If the herbal remedies are so benign, they would also be useless! Digitalis is "herbal" after all, and many of our current drug were originally derived from plant sources. So if you are taking a "herbal" remedy, ask yourself, why am I taking this if it has no effect? If it has an effect, it is probably going to interact with the prescribed drugs you are taking.
Hi Devine
"I thought herbal would be safe"
NO NO NO, as I am sure that others will tell you, many many herbal products interact either with existing drugs you may be taking or even without being on drugs can have effects on your heart and many other interactions.
As Rjw succinctly puts it, why take it if it has no effect, and if it has an effect how is it going to interact with my existing drugs and conditions?
Particularly if you have AF and have prescribed drugs, then you should check every single new thing you may take with your Pharmacist before you take anything. Cough and cold medicines are some of the hardest for us to find without interactions, and that even the "over the counter" type.
Be well, check any medicine/supplement/vitamins ANYTHING with your pharmacist before you take them.
Thank you all! I don't have af I've had ablations for svt and vt and currently only experience ectopics. But still being super careful! Thank you for all your responses I really appreciate it x