hi is it ok to take viagra im on warfin and gp told me to have a colestral blood test done if its normal which it was it would be ok, i have af also, but feel fine all the time
viagra: hi is it ok to take viagra im... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hi Mousey, to my non-medical knowledge there are no contra-indications, but you must on no account ever combine glyceril trinitrate or nitroglycerin spray with Viagra, that's the little spray that they sometimes put on your tongue if you have angina or heart pain.
So if you do get an AF attack after taking Viagra or even within a day of taking it make sure that any emergency crews are aware you have taken it, as it can cause a very serious drop in blood pressure if combined.
Your doctor of course should advise you directly about this, and should be your first point of information.
Be well
Nooooo way dont take viagra with heart probs i nearly died!
I take Cialis without any problems and have done for several years. I found it better than Viagra which caused hot flushes occasionally. It's effect also lasts for a couple of days or more. But I have permanent AF and am not prone to attacks.
hi excalibur, i have permanent af and dont get any attacks, i had a tia 4 years ago,and was put on wafrin for ever
Talk to your GP about viagra, Cialis and others. Cialis is still in licence and so you'll have to have a private prescription and pay unless you are diabetic and taking drugs for the diabetes. Viagra has now gone out of licence so there may be cheaper generics available - I'm not sure of the current status. Cialis has worked well for me
Viagra is used to treat pulmonary hypertension in some cases. My consultant said that it would be fine to take it with my heart medication including warfarin.
Difficult one....seems to be little consistent advice. I was trying Viagra when I had my second last AF bout and my GP stopped it immediately. No real explanation. maybe Steve can throw some extra light on this?
The only people at risk are angina patients due to their gt spray lowering there blood pressure as will the viagra, my dad takes them and it's never brought on his af, I think the anxiety of thinking about it or the vigrous sex might lol 😂
The replies show that we are all different, i guess it depends a lot on what other medications are being taken. I never really got on with it and once i was put on Warfarin the gp advised me not to combine the two. It highlights the affect Afib has on our lives if we let it.
I was told by EP I could use Viagra it would not harm me if I needed to
My drugs are diltyzem and a water tablet
I'm in persistent AF
My only issue I have is swollen legs but trying to drop weight ATM
I try to switch off from AF and just carry on as normal
I feel good most of the time
I take an anadin and a viagra everynight, the anadin stops me getting a headache and the viagra stops me rolling out of bed 😂