Hi, After having 3 ablations, Im now af free and was feeling fine and back to
normal, just an occasional blip. On my last visit to LGI it was suggested that
I may like to reduce the Bisop and I was very happy to try as its not without
its problems. At first, after advice I started with 1 every other day no problem,
missing 2 days and I started to feel breathlessness, but manageable. Kept
to this dose for a month, then decided that I would go 3 days to see how
It went. It wasnt too bad at first but quickly became too much and I began
to feel unwell and rang the hospital for advice. Breathlessness, rapid
heartbeat which would happen at any time, night or day, I found myself
struggling to recover from any exertion. After about 10 days the af nurse
contacted me and I was advised to go back to my normal dose of Bisop
1 25grms, and would probably need to stay on them for life.
My question is, the side effects of the Bisop are cramp and I have quite
bad arthritic hands and have had a few ops on them, I now have white
numb fingers as the weather has turned cold, which are quite painful.
Is there some other medication which I could try which may not have
these side effects or is it a case of, better the devil you know.