Only been taking Bisop for about two weeks. Having short runs of sinus tachy I didnt have before accompanied by burning feeling in my skin especially back and legs. Cardiologist told me to wean off by taking a dose (1.25mg) very other day for two weeks them stopping. Missed second dose today HR jumped to 132 and pounding hard. Went to A& E after taking the missed dose and it gradually slowed down. I need to come off these am thinking I would be better dropping a quarter for a week then another quarter etc. Am terrified can anyone please advise on bad side effects of weaning. I am like the princess and the pea when it comes to drugs. Sensitive to small amounts or fluctuations in dose
Problems with bisoprolol: Only been... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Problems with bisoprolol

Are the switching beta blockers? Cause I got switch from bisraprol to metraprole having awful side effects
No am just trying to come off. What problems are you having ?
Terrible shocks and crushing feeling left side of my chest just awful side effects
My biggest problem is the palpitations. But also very dry mouth and lack of energy and the burning skin. Sound a bit husky and my chest is tight . Ridiculous only been taking them such a short time and I have side effects from being on them and awful withdrawal effects coming off
It’s a really tough drug bisraprol effects people so different, it’s really strange how it’s only 2 weeks and your having terrible withdrawals from it
I know I don’t know what to do. Been woken after 2am by palpitations . You become sleep deprived . Instead of every other day am going to take three quarters of a tablet everyday for a week with hopefully a view to dropping another quarter etc. Not sure the fluctuating levels of every other day are helping
I replied privately before I saw this. Your plan sounds perfect! I hope they do tablets in the doses you need so you don’t have to cut the tiny tablets up! The magnesium definitely helped me with night time palpitations btw X
Kirsty, I cannot thank you enough. I have just ordered some magnesium. My next dose of BB is due in 5 hours and I can feel my body "gathering pace" HB getting faster and stronger. It's going to be a bumpy ride. Any news about your experiences would be really helpful
I tried to come off them. I'm on 2.5 a day. I cut the tablets in half (checked with GP first) and then my plan was to wait a week or so and then half the half etc. Couldn't do it. My heart went bonkers. I have no idea why they dish these things out like sweets. I need to switch or something because I have issues that could be Bisoprolol related, burning feet and shins in bed at night, numb toes that sting and no energy at all (could be related to my problem thyroid though). I just had to start retaking them. I somehow can't be bothered with the mess that is trying to get to speak to a doctor now. I don't have the will and determination needed to get up early to sit on the phone repeat ringing endlessly to be given a phone call appointment that is guaranteed to happen when I go to the loo or am driving or something because they won't give me an approximate time.
Sorry that happened to you. It’s horrible . Happened to me too when I followed the doctors instructions to take the dose alternate days. Quite often with things it’s not the absolute dose but the fluctuations that cause the problems. Funny you say they hand them out like sweets because when I queried it knowing I am sensitive to drugs the consultant told me it was “chewing gum.” I ditched him. I am getting burning sensations in my lower legs and across my back always when I get these runs of sinus tachycardia but other times too
They seem to give little thought to the glib instructions they hand out. I was told 2.5 was a low dose, I could just stop it.
And some people can . They just refuse to believe the ones who cant and label them anxious
I can well believe it! They love to right us off as cranks of one sort or another.
Because they don’t want to admit they made a mistake or the drugs they gave us to make us better harmed us. Far easier to blame the patient
I've been told my painful legs and agonising feet, rashes, numb and singing toes and fluid filled feet can't possibly be Bisoprolol. Even though it's on the side effects list. Some of what I have been complaining of are on the serious side effects list - seek immediate medical help! Chance would be a fine thing.
But if I switch to a calcium channel blocker and these things resolve, especially the terrible lethargy and fatigue and my thyroid T4 to T3 conversion improves I will be livid. The last chat I had with my GP (who is the surgeries heart doctor) I showed me my poor thyroid conversion but he just said the results were in range and that's all be can work to. He said "I don't think it's your thyroid" when I asked what it was then he said "I don't know" and that was it. Written off. There's a chance it could be the medication!
Someone on here posted a couple of months ago that beta blockers reduce the conversion of T4 to T3 so are no good for hypothyroid patients. If you want to come off then try weaning much more slowly taking tiny amounts off the tablet. Cut the 2.5 in half then shave a small amount off one of the halves to start with. Stay on this dose for a month . Then go down to 3/4 of the tablet for another month. This is slow but the body notices it less and is less likely to react. Once you are down to 1.25mg you will have an idea if your side effects are diminishing too. If you can get hold of a doctor then ask to change to Nebivolol. Several people here have reported less side effects. I find it better than Bisoprolol.
I only did one day on 2.5 then dropped it to 1.25 so that is my starting point . I dropped a quarter tab today and will see how I get on. If I can’t cope will follow your advice many thanks .
I've been re-reading so I found that about beta blockers. But it can be about all of them. I think I'd better try switching to calcium channel blockers as the cardiologist suggested and see how they are. I was already really suffering thyroid wise. If I've been on a tablet for a year and a half and no one thought to mention it (I mean the various doctors I have seen) I will be livid. Livid. I had just started to feel like I was improving a little the day before the AF started and decided to stay in persistent mode. So I was on the tablets straight away and I've felt horrible. Most of the time I think it's my thyroid meds or my HRT needs tweaking. Maybe it's that a woman with a genetic predisposition to not converting T4 to T3 very well should never have been put on a beta blocker.
I was on Digoxin as well. But after my cardioversion, as I left the hospital they told me to stop it. Not different. My HR was still high after the cardioversion and still is now I'm back in AFib. I guess weaning off meds is a pie in the sky idea because I think a resting pulse in the 90's on drugs is bad enough. As soon as I started to reduce it the RH was over 100 and I'd only dropped a 1/4 tablet at that point.
You’re very welcome. All I can say is that the magnesium helped with side effects and withdrawal. It took a while to build up in my system to the point where I was constantly breathless and I still get that sometimes that even on 0.65mg so it will take a while to get it out my system. I stop it completely tomorrow So fingers crossed x
Good luck I have everything crossed for you ! I ordered the magnesium next day delivery so should be here tomorrow . What dosage do you take and is there a best time of day ? Please let me know how you get on after stopping
Most people take magnesium ?taurate but mine is magnesium citrate. The dietician said if I take too much I’ll just get a runny tummy! If u have the other one you might want to check dosage
Coming off a beta blocker needs be very slow for some people. I too am very sensitive to drugs. The first time I came off Bisoprolol I did it very slowly despite my cardiologist saying I could just stop. I went from 1.25 mg to .65 mg and stayed on that dose for several weeks. Then I took it every other day for a couple of weeks then every 3 days .I had only been taking it for 6 months altogether. I was put back on it when afib came back after major surgery. Then I asked to be changed to Nebivolol. I have been trying to wean off that but having to go even slower as I have now been on a beta blocker for well over 2 years. Your idea of taking three quarters of the 1.25 tablet is good . Stay on that dose till your body gets used to the drop - it might be a few weeks. Then reduce to a half only if you feel ready Once you get down to a quarter and are used to that then go to every other day. Be prepared to be several weeks on each new dose.I know this sounds horribly long and the inclination is to stop the drug as soon as possible but if you are so sensitive it is the only way to do it without feeling bad. Magnesium is a good idea. I take 300 mg of magnesium taurate split into 3 doses. Also make sure to keep potassium up with a daily banana and a little orange juice. Coconut water is supposed to be good for electrolyte balancetoo.
Thank you so much for that it is brilliant advice . You are right. The inclination is to just throw the stuff in the bin but am too fearful of the consequences . Magnesium has been ordered on next day delivery. Bananas and orange juice a good idea . I am weirdly feeling off my food . My one episode of AF to date was triggered by my taking a 200mg Celebrex which is an NSAID two days running for a back injury . I woke at 4am with 180bpm AF and went to hospital after 4 hours came out on Bisoprolol for prophylaxis . Wasn’t happy about that so went to see cardiologist of choice privately and he said I shouldn’t have been on it and to come off by just alternating days for 2 weeks then stopping . Definitely not a good plan for me. Googled the Celebrex AF connection and it interferes with the magnesium and potassium channels causing AF in susceptible people . This reinforces the magnesium supplements and bans/orange juice idea. How are you doing yourself ?
Hi there
I was only on bisoprolol for three months with terrible side effects. Advised to come off by cutting tablet in half and taking for 1 week then going half again. Bad move for me as ended up in hospital with what they thought was a stroke but was withdrawal from bisoprolol. After 8 very long months I am not far off weaning to the end but have experienced several bad withdrawal symptoms in that time including severe sleep depravation and anxiety.
Please take things very slow and give your body time to adjust to each reduced dose before dropping again.
Good Luck

Thank you for very good advice . So glad your withdrawal effects weren’t a stroke but horrendous what people have to go through . Ironic that you ended up taking more drug weaning off than you took to start with. I shall be very cautious having already had some very unpleasant episodes to add to the tiredness dry mouth etc . Good luck with getting to the end

Hi there, I realise you posted this a while ago but I’m really hoping you still visit the site. I have been following your posts on here and on bisoprolol withdrawal forum and I’ve been horrified by what you’ve been through and really hope you’re recovered now. I was hoping you could give me some advice . My doctor lowered my dose of bisoprolol 6 weeks ago but I had such a bad reaction he reinstated the dose a week later. Sadly I have not stabilised and still feel as though my body is in withdrawal, shaky legs, mild anxiety and insomnia. I am trying my hardest to take the same dose each day by weighing the tablet but it fluctuates so much on the scales that I’m beginning to think this might be why I’m not stabilising. I noticed you were withdrawing by 0.02 mg at a time, sometimes when I weigh my dose it goes up and down by this much. How did you manage it and do you think it makes that much difference? I am waiting to see my cardiologist to see where I go from here but to me it’s looking more likely I’ll have to come off completely and I’m very frightened. Thank you
Hi Kizzie when the post person says Hidden I think that means they have closed their account and left the site
Hi Peony, thank you for telling me, I feel so desperate I just don’t know what to do.
I know love, I know exactly how that feels to be desperately hanging on just hoping to get through the day . I wish I could do more to help . Hang on to see the cardiologist hopefully he will take charge of the situation . We are all here to support you as best we can . The lady who is now Hidden was Nanny knitting who was a great support to others . Her withdrawal didn’t seem particularly foreshortened by her method of withdrawal and she felt to some extent she had drawn it out longer but not really made it milder so she wished she’d been a bit quicker . Everyone is different that the problem
I have had more afib this year than before. Last year I had no attacks but 4 so far this year. It is standard knee jerkery to put people on Bisoprolol after their first attack. I went to hospital in an ambulance my first time and was kept 4 days in cardiac ward . They would not let me go till my INR was over 2! But this is France . 5mg of Bisoprolol was prescribed by the hospital cardiologist and after a week I felt like death warmed up and told my GP it was reduce the dose or comtemplate suicide as I could not live like that! Dose was reduced to 1.25 mg and when my own cardiologist told me after the Halter that I could choose between the anticoagulant and the Bisoprolol for coming off immediately and come off the other in 3 months I chose to come off the Préviscan and started to slowly reduce the Bisoprolol. Now I have resigned myself to staying on the Nebivolol indefinitely. I have been able to reduce it to .65mg for a while but after the last 2 afib attacks I went back up to .8mg. I am under a lot of stress as I need a hip replacement. Covid has meant waiting till the end of this month for my appointment to see the surgeon and I am worried that the rise in cases here is going to cause more delays. I think you would have been much better off if they had just given you the Bisoprolol as a PIP to lower your heart rate in any subsequent attacks.
When you decided to start withdrawing the tablet, did you still have a high heart rate? Did that come down over time or go higher with the removal of the drug?
I didn’t have a high heart rate to start off with. It was regular and about 60bpm until the af episode when it was 180. Then if anything it was slightly lower on the Bisop . Resting heart rate hasn’t really changed in the background but then I have started getting these runs of sinus tachycardia several times a day since I ve been messing about with the dose . I ve been using my Kardia mobile every time so I can prove what’s happening . My thyroid is normal by the way so not that causing the burning sensation. Am getting flushing too particularly with faster tachycardia and my skin is red hot to the touch but my core temperature is normal
No I only have a high heart rate during the afib attacks though it does not go much above 150bpm. When in NSR my resting rate is in the low 60s.
Mine used to be in the 70's. It was comfortable for me. Now it's in the 90's on 2.5 Bisoprolol! But then I'm in persistent AF. But even after my successful cardioversion it remained high and then I slipped back into AF at some unknown point. I know the cardioversion held for a few weeks though because I had an ECG.
It took me two attempts to get off bisoprolol, I had terrible palpations, headaches, anxiety etc etc trying to get off it. Doctors all said it shouldn't affect me so much on such a low dose, but it did.
I had to reduce very slowly, 1.25 mg for 10 days, then half of that for 10 days, then every other day for 10 days.
I still had palpations and runs of svt but eventually they reduced .
Good luck

Thank you for taking the time to reply Mikee very kind . It’s very useful to know how other people have managed it. The bravery and endurance of people going through this is remarkable . I hope you are ok now . Some people are super sensitive for whatever reason and you would think medics would have woken up to this but they haven’t
I am just catching up - I was going to do a post about my difficulties coming off bisoprolol but couldn't work out how to post my heart graph. I was 'only' on 1.25mg and was told this was a tiny dose. I cut it cold, and my symptoms were horrendous. Racing heart (well above 100bpm) multiple ectopics, and I thought I obviously need the bisoprolol. I then went online and read the horror stories about coming off and decided to stick it out. Eventually my heart slowed down. Best of luck.
Thanks for sharing and well done for coming off . My dose was only 1.25 also but well enough to cause big problems. How long did it take for things to get back to normal after your last dose ? Did you carry on living your life ? Puts me off going out thinking about “what if” What if I have a bad bout of palpitations and feel unwell like I can’t get home /drive . What do I do ? How do people handle that ?
I discussed this with my husband - we looked at my graphs and were horrified. I stopped bisoprolol sometime in January and it probably took about four months before I got back to normal. I will check the dates and get back to you. For what it is worth I have never felt so unwell that I can't function.
Thank you Irene Ghat would be really helpful. How long were you on Bisoprosol ?
So another night with hardly any sleep. Weirdly something that does seem to kick off the tachycardia is if am waking and I stretch.
Am down to a quarter of 1.25mg have been for 4 days. Just took the dose and 40 mins later my heart rate has gone up and feel a bit breathless and less well. Inclined to stop now rather than wait out the full week . I feel at my best in the morning when drug level is at lowest and worse after I have taken it. Any advice please ??