hello I have af , which hasn’t been around only blips blops after 13yrs , I’ve had 2 ablations , and take flec bisop for bit not treated , but lately have awful side effects from medication , , I’m now suffering from every time I try to sleep I jolt awake half of the night , and iam feeling my heart more , it’s like it wobbling and like a fish , also waking up to my heart beat lot stronger ? I’ve had ecg couple of times says all ok , now having to take time of work due to realy bad anxiety, I also keep feeling faint , doctors treating me for anxiety with diazepam, but I’m so worried , my problem was trying to get medication right , so I don’t get awful side effects , now my heart is doing things especially at night , are kardio mobile machines worth trying 😟
feeling very down anxious ? - Atrial Fibrillati...
feeling very down anxious ?

AF causes a natural Flight or Flight response, especially at night and so that is what is waking you at night if your heart plays up. It’s not anxiety as in anxiety disorder but a natural response. The question is why is the ANS being triggered at night? There could be several reasons - including the medications but only investigation will reveal. You can help in your own investigations by keeping a really detailed journal of when this happens, all symptoms and taking your own HR, BP and YES a Kardia does help gather data and is hard evidence which all together will help doctors work out what is wrong.
I learned from experience we need to become our own health detectives. You need 3 pieces of kit - a basic finger Oximeter, a BP machine which works with AF - Omron are good, and a home ECG monitor such as Kardia but smart watches and other makes are available. Kardia is probably the one most familiar and used by medics because it’s been around and approved for the longest time.
I would then ask to be referred for a full night time monitoring and screening for Sleep Apnea firstly.
There is also a lot you can do for yourself in managing your anxiety but probably best with the help of a specialist Anxiety Therapist, you might seek one out.
My own very personal view on medication is if it isn’t helping then why use it? BUT don’t stop taking your meds without talking to your doctor but also argue your case. The only medication I would not stop is anticoagulants and if you have very high sustained HR - rate control. Unfortunately Beta Blockers are also known to increase anxiety levels, the trick is not to exacerbate the natural response with thoughts and that is where a therapist can help you to manage the thoughts and practice natural breath work which calms the body.
Do some reading around AF and what causes it and be prepared to go armed with information into the consulting room and argue your case.
Hope some of this helps.
Thankyou I have been keeping a diary , my only issue was getting my medication symptoms under controll , but now it’s heart doing things it usually dosnt do , I’m not on any blood thinners, as was told I didn’t need them anymore , wasn’t a risk , I used to be on them though
My heart sometimes feels like a flutter , I have to wait till the 19th of April for a seven day monitor
I thought a Kardia is only useful when you are having heart symptoms and check with the Kardia to see what's happening. If someone wants to determine what is going on while they are asleep, what type of device would you recommend? The only one I know of is a cardiologist ordered Holter monitor.
Hi Prosecco,
It sounds like you might be having Afib during the night, which isn’t uncommon to have it at that time, rather than side effects of the medication perhaps? If you don’t have any way of knowing, by using a Kardia as such, this might explain it, as what you describe, whether your heart is what Afib can feel like. It then sounds like you revert back to normal and this is why ECGs aren’t picking it up. It is just my guess though.
Yes, a Kardia is worth getting. They’re easy to use and next time, when you feel like this, you can try and see what’s happening as it will tell you if you are in Afib and you can then show a cardiologist or GP. It maybe that your medication might need altering.
They haven’t changed the brand of your medication have they? I had to contact my surgery because the version of Bisoprolol I was supplied with recently by the pharmacist has been just awful - it seems to increase palpitations & heart rate! Fortunately they are writing a new prescription.
Hello I have different brands given to me all the time , so I don’t realy know if it is , could be though , Thankyou
Breathing exercises can help. Deep breath, hold, let it out slowly...that kind of thing. I use it at night sometimes when I've got a lot of ectopics. Usually it sends me off in the end. Took a few weeks to find the right pattern, it basically calms everything down. Box breathing is another one...in for 5, hold 5, out 5, hold 5.
Oh dear that's awful.
It is about how you feel ultimately.
My Heart Rate at night is 47avge. It is very quiet. I am lucky in that I sleep soundly.
But my H/Rate and on BB Beta Blockers was 185 and 156. Metoprolol showed on 24-hr Heart Rate PAUSES. 2 yrs 3 months still uncontrolled I suffered terrible sweating, fatigue and had to sleep day and night.
It was the CCB Diltiazem 120mg AM which saved me.
I take Bisoprolol BB 2.5mg PM for control of BP.
You need to tell, keep a diary of what is happening. Perhaps you have night apnea. Which leads to AF because of insufficient oxygen and heart under stress.
Cheri jOY. 75. (NZ)
I was first introduced to a Kardia along with a smart phone by the lovely EP we saw privately after the lowest dose of Bisoprolol proved too much for me to take daily and the surgery couldn’t come up with anything else. He didn’t believe I had AF but after I had acquired the phone and Kardia and sent him a reading of my heart in AF ( I could always feel it) he sent a prescription for Flecainide for me to the surgery. At furst I took it as a Pip when episodes occurred but as they occurred more frequently I was advised to take it regularly and now have not had an episode for well over a year as I’ve written here before. Meditation and slow breathing should help with episodes if you still get them. I found the Kardia a great companion (and other people enjoy having a go with it) and remember “Don’t panic!”
hello I take 2.5 bisop morning with 50 mg flec , then evening 1.25 bisop 50 flec , for the past 3 nights I’ve had awful feeling of jolinting awake with a feeling of passing out. Told doctors but said try a tablet for balance ? Just got my Kardia , is it worth paying each month to upgrade what it can do ?
It's probably only a small move but have you tried sleeping on your right side It's supposed to be the correct position.... also when I get slightly anxious I take panadol which helps, there's something in it apparently... but be careful and obey instructions on package I only take a total of 2

Thankyou for your message, it is completely natural to feel anxious, it takes time to understand the condition and adapt to changes. I am positive all the members will offer you great advice based upon their own experiences, however, if you would like to speak to a member of our Patient Services Team, please feel free to contact our Patient Helpline; 01789 867502 or contact info@afa-international.org
Kind regards
I am sure you have tried a number of sleep positions. For me, sleeping with my upper back and shoulders elevated some by an extra pillow or two and turning slightly to my right side with my right cheek on the pillow and chin slightly lifted has made my heart feel more comfortable and prevented sleep apnea.
Don't forget that relaxed breaths and good hydration are very therapeutic.
If testing has shown that your heart is in good shape, do some daily exercise and develop some trust and confidence in it.
Listen to CDreamer, I wish my doctors knew as much about Afib!
I have bad anxiety too and also have AFIB! The anxiety make me worse for Afib anyway! Meds make me nervous too! I am on Metropolo for years but now might have to change because this makes my stomach hurt! I was on Diazepam but made me dizzy! It did help my heart rate, wish I could have stayed on it but the dizzness was real bad!
Hello I find my stomach hurts , to the point I have to lay on settee for ages , it gets realy tight , anxiety is awful , I realy know how you feel , hope you feeling better soon
I think beta blockers cause anxiety, I have also trimmers with Metropolo, going to see my heart doctor tomorrow and see if they can find me the right meds without a lot of side effects!
My AF always affected me more at night and I lost a lot of time from work because I slept so badly. I have a Kardia and it shows I'm nearly always in AF . I have cut down my flecinide from 300mg to 50 daily and take extra as a pip I sleep better now than when I was on the large dose.
Hello I’ve just took my 50 night flec , was to thinking of just doing it once aday , and the other 50 as pip , do you take yours at night or morning, I’ve just got a kardia , but find by the time I’ve got my phone etc it’s over so miss recording
I have to ask this - are you female? Because if you are a woman, many doctors pretty much dismiss everything as anxiety.You are naturally feeling tense about this change in your symptoms.
CDreamer is right.
Be your own advocate.
Get referred to a Electrophysiologist, if you are not already with one.
Ask for a Holter monitor test asap.
Ask for a sleep apnoea test asap.
Get a Kardia or similar. Have it ready by your bed for when you are awoken by an episode.
Review those results and take it from there.
Do not let doctors dismiss your concerns.
It might also be anticipatory anxiety, then worrying that its going to happen makes it happen. I have that problem. Deep breathing, as others have suggested is very helpful (for me also).
With that drug I had dizziness and got off from it!