Hi guys and gals,
I have some questions on the above - if any of you extraordinary people can give me simple, unambiguous answers, would be good.
I was put on this by the Cardiac Consultant (name witheld) at East Surrey Hospital when he confirmed the diagnosis of paroxysmal AF in January 2010. I have been on it continuously, non stop ever since .... none of this PIP stuff at all, at any time. I was told it was for HR control
In Jan 2010 I was 65, now coming up for 79.
My current GP here in Cornwall increased the dose in early 2021 to 7.5mg to assist with BP. After quite a while on it I began to feel more and more like the zombie from the land of the living dead, I took it on myself to wean myself back do to 5mg. Told my GP after the event.
On the plus side - it holds my resting HR brilliantly in daytime at around 64 - 67 bpm. At nightime (asleep) it settles to around 52 to 56 bpm. Sorted, job done as originally intended by the said Consultant.
On the minus side - initially, nose bleeds, then followed by coldness of extremeties, then as years rolled on - lethargy and now constant tiredness.
Can't remember my last AF event, at least 18 months ago (and according to Mrs BenHall1) maybe as long ago as 4 years when we were away in Twickenham with friends for a long weekend, which laid me out in our hotel room for the duration.
1 Is Bisop a - multi purpose drug, a HR control drug or a BP control drug ?
Simple innit !
2 In 13/14 years should any GP have reviewed my original cardiac medication ?
3 Does anybody have any similar experience AND have the experience of moving from Bisop to another beta blocker without the tiredness side effects. Or even just reducing the Bisop doseage.
4 Given the passing of these years can a drug be altered by a manufacturer, i.e. in 2010 flog it as a HR drug and over the years that follow, say 2021 and up to date, add another concoction to the mix to make it a HR and BP drug (a multipurpose drug).
Following a weird incident I experienced two weeks ago which grounded me from driving I have a TeleCons with my GP next Tuesday. It could be stressful time for one of us .... not for me!
Thanks in advance.