my magnesium tests in the normal range. Can supplementing still help?
afib and magnesium: my magnesium tests... - Atrial Fibrillati...
afib and magnesium

There is a great bone of contention regarding magnesium and I do not propose to start an argument with those who advocate its use regardless. All I know is that for some people these supplements can help supposedly because the normal blood test used is apparently useless. My own feeling is that it works if you believe in it BUT for some people it can be a very bad thing to take so if you decide to go down that route then please do so very carefully. Mg is known to cause loose bowels in some cases so don't start on it if you are out for the day. lol
I am trying to find an independent study which is not trying to sell books or products that we can all read but will revert on this subject in due time if I find one..
I asked my EP who said mag will only work if you are deficient.

thanks so much

My aim is a fact sheet available from AF-Association which has been approved by our chief medical officer and available as a download from the main website. Then we can refer people to that as we do all questions about drugs , ablation etc. Only that will satisfy me and clear the decks for other discussion. A session at HRC might also be beneficial to all as that could be made available as a pdf but a bit late for this year I fear.
Join the Magnesium Advocasy group on Facebook it is the best group on FB and they are an intelligent group of people that will answer all your questions regarding magnesium. I like magnesium malate for energy and muscle pain, it does not give loose bowels, but magnesium oxide is the least absorbed and it will cause problems.
I forgot to add that when I had my a fib episodes I believe the high doses of magnesium prevented me from having a heart attack, it's great for muscles and the heart is a muscle, oh yes I am a big believer in magnesium.
In my case I had clogged arteries . I had a triple bypass and my surgeon said I didn't have a heart attack. I know that lacking in magnesium will result in a heart attack.
The experts on magnesium say that we need the RBC magnesium test for more accuracy