Hi I will be having a catheter ablation early in the new year. I know what to expect in relation to procedure, but can I ask how long you are in hospital for? Do you have to stay over night?
Are you in hospital long after cathet... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Are you in hospital long after catheter ablation?

Had 2. First one I was in for 48 hours because I had a slight infection in the groin entry point, so wouldn't let me out till they were happy. 2nd time I was out in 24 hours. I THINK that's the norm?
Yes the norm is an over night stay as far as I know.I was in and out in 24 hours.
First one I had I was in at 11am, lunchtime list, in theatre about 1pm, out by 4:30.... but stayed in over night and home by 9am the following day.
Thanks everyone. I'm not good at staying in hospital but for this i guess i will have to make an exception. No sleep that night then

You will not be allowed out alone and must be accompanied ideally not on public transport. You should rest a lot when you get home for at least a week and preferably two from my experience. You may not drive for at least 48 hours but probably won;t feel like it anyway. It may take you three months to fully recover and the heart to heal so odd things may happen in that time.
Because I live 30 miles from the hospital where I had my two ablations, I went in late afternoon , had it done the next morning and home the following day.
I went home the same day first time, stayed overnight the second and left at 10am next morning.