I have been suffering with afib since last year. I has hindered me at work quitell a bit. So on the 25th I had an ablation done that went very well. I went back to work 7 days later.
My jobs is very stressful and extremely physical. I only worked 1 day last week (thursday) with work m-Thursday. And it went okay no issues (walked 35k steps or 17.15 miles that day.)
Early Sunday morning I started feeling afib coming on again just prior to taking my meds ( flecanide and savaysa) I didn't get better so I went to Er. After being monitored for a bit I went back to normal prior to them pushing any meds. I notice it is coming on no about an hour before I take my meds.
Worked Monday and felt heart acting up for most of the night. But not bad. Didnt get racy until just after work. Got home and took my meds. Since I worked nights I went to bed at 8 am woke up at 3 when I got out of bed I was very dizzy so much so I had to take a knee. This happened 2-3 times. Called put from work and took a me day. Let Dr know what was happening he said I was fine. A little afib but nothing major. (I'm wearing a cardionet heart monitor)
So tonight cardionet sent me a message asking me to call. The asked if I felt anything at 10:30 and around 5 pm I told them I was very dizzy at 5 but was sleeping at 10:30. They would not tell me what they saw. Texted Dr and he looked it over and said it is fine. Go to work tomorrow. But cardionet told me I should go to Dr.
Is this common after ablation? My symptoms seem worse than before.