I bet this sounds typical, just had my overseas trip, no worries, have been waiting to have my ablation and have not had any real PAF episodes for several months only minor inconveniences. Booked in on the 15th for the CT and then ablation on the 16th. The biggy, do I cancel or suck it and see.
Wouldnt you know it Ablation coming up - Atrial Fibrillati...
Wouldnt you know it Ablation coming up

Personally I say go for it. People often have holidays with no AF as they are relaxed and away from their normal environment so lots of distractions etc. You really would feel bad if you cancelled and then have an attack. It isn't going to suddenly vanish on it's own after all. AF almost always progresses .
I'd go for it because they will try and stimulate the AF during the procedure, at least they did with me. I've had an aborted ablation because the AF had gone away but it really had totally gone away and they couldn't stimulate it either. But they said this was most unusual.
Hope your ablation is as good as my first which worked fantastic.
Hi Soozie. I was in a similar situation to yourself last week. I had my last episode back in February but was put on Verapamil until I waited for my ablation procedure. In the meantime I only had minor inconveniences, mostly flutters and palpitations.
Anyway got my date for an ablation 3 months ago and during that time I was thinking whether I should go through with it or not.
I went through with it as you never know when another episode might come along and I didn't want to go through with all that waiting again.
I went ahead and had the procedure last Thursday and although it's still early days I'm so happy I went through with it.
Whatever you decide, good luck.
Thank you all, I know it will come back, just a bit concerned that they will not be able to stimulate the problem and feel like a fool and a croc. You have all said what I knew you wold say, except maybe not the bit about being a girl, which I am. I am going through with it. Just that little hesitation.
I don't understand what you mean about not being able to stimulate the problem. I don't think they do that or even want your heart to fibrillate during the ablation. My heart did go into AF during tha ablation and they had to shock it to make it stop. The EP indicated that it hadn't been helpful.
Best wishes.
They have to stimulate the af to see where it is coming from is what I have always been told.