I saw an EP in August who said he would review my case again in eighteen months, but, in the mean time he has written to my GP saying that I could go on 2 x 50 mg Flecainide tablets if my AFib deteriorates.
Currently I take Warfarin and 10 mg of Bisoprolol a day and when the subject of the Flecainide came up at a GP's appointment a few days ago, the student who was in with my doctor said "You'll have to come off the Bisoprolol then". My doctor disagreed and pointed out that the EP was happy for me to take both medications, but the student was adamant that he had read from a couple of sources that it's usually a case of one or the other when it comes to these medications.
I'm not contemplating going on to Flecainide at the moment, but, even without the other health issues I have pushing up my stress levels at the moment, my AFib has been getting worse over the past year or two and I can see the day coming when I might have to. I am right in thinking that there are a few people on here on both medications aren't I?