My husband took 300mg flecainide and 5mg bisoprolol a few days ago when he had AF. An hour after taking them he felt ill with blurred vision and dizziness, minutes later he vomited and had a fit (this only lasted a short time and when he came round he had no recollection of it). He was taken to hospital and they found that his blood pressure was very low 80/60 but his ecg was fine. He was monitored overnight and his heart rate was normal. The doctor thinks perhaps it could have been a reaction to either the flecainide or bisoprolol and has taken him off both of these medications. This was only the second time he'd taken flecainide (he had no problems the first time) but he had previously been on bisoprolol for several months without any side effects apart from slow pulse and tiredness.
Has anyone else had similar problems with flecainide or have any advice please?