Anxiety and atrial fibrillation? just thought it would be a good topic to discuss, I am sure there is a connection.
anxiety and atrial fibrillation - Atrial Fibrillati...
anxiety and atrial fibrillation

Yes I agree.

I would say that for most people the anxiety comes out of the AF and when I was involved some years ago with BHF and a committee managing arrhythmia nurses the psychological problems which AF caused was one of my champion causes.
Yes adrenaline can be a trigger but many of us have actually found that the problem was usually after all the adrenaline had gone such as in my case at the end of the race season. I was fine when it was all going on but when it stopped was my worst time. One of the big problems with AF is that so few people experience it the same way such is the mongrel which is A so anything is possible.
Hi, I am pretty sure my episodes of A.F have been stress induced and have occurred during a period of great stress or as the period of anxiety/stress is just over, just find it hard to relax. Have used Bach's rescue remedy in the past, not sure whether help from it is psychological but sometimes it helps. Not sure whether I can use it now on warfarin. Reading our responses maybe there is a place for some help with this in the treatment plan for those of us who can align our A.F to stress or anxiety. may save the N.H.S a lot of money in the long run. best wishes kath
Thanks for your responses, I have also recently heard that regular panic attacks can beget atrial fibrillation. Which I can whole hearted understand, as a teenager I got regular panic attacks, before any sign of af.
Cat55, I agree with that, it's something I will be asking my cardio doc tues....
I would be interested to hear his reply. I am down for CBT hoping to start some time in October and hoping that it helps. It is only this year that I have sought help. It's hard to accept you have a problem like this. It is a bit like A.F you look O.k and outwardly you function O.K but with both there is lots going on inside. Hope tuesday goes well. kath
Anxiety is not something that I was concerned about.......until my diagnosis of PAF last year. Whilst my general health is good, the uncertainly connected with how I'm going to feel from day to day is a real issue. Some days I'm fine, in fact most days, then I'll go into a place where I am so tired I can hardly get out of my chair, although my heart rate and rhythm are OK. My meds are working fine but when I talked to my cardio about the connected anxiety he had nothing to say at all!
I do meditate regularly and have used the Bach Rescue Remedy on occasions (I take Warfarin) and these do help.
I am absolutely convinced that the physical issues of having a very fast heart rate and arrithmyia bring on clinical anxiety eg I am not anxious but my body is racing with adrenalin and I am in flight and fight mode. I now find it hard to work out what is genuine anxiety with a cause and what is this f and f mode. This is not an issue that is tackled with af. I couldn't care a less about my af except the inconvenient symptoms and I certainly don't give a thought to dying (probably can't with the amount of anti coag and anti flu vaccines I have in me) so it isn't my condition that sparks it off. In fact I was so unconcerned about it all that my GP sent me for counselling feeling sure that I must be hiding it but altho counselling was very helpful for lots of other issues I still can't make myself worry or care about having af. It does, as I have said before on this forum, frustrate me though the way other people don't think you have any problem, especially my family who just expect service as usual.
Just an update, saw my cardiologist today, and he has referred me to an E.P in Oxford.
He is aware of the impact it's having on my life and thinks we need to either review the meds or talk ablation !!!!!! an ere of nervousness surrounds me now,lol
Just an update, saw my cardiologist today, and he has referred me to an E.P in Oxford.
He is aware of the impact it's having on my life and thinks we need to either review the meds or talk ablation !!!!!! an ere of nervousness surrounds me now,lol