Hello ,
It will be four weeks tomorrow since my Ablation...Still having "Fluttering" or "Ectopics" almost permanently ..
Managed to start work again this week with a couple of Patients that were desperate for treatment...
I have noticed memory loss and have to stop,think and struggle mid-sentence to find right words, which can be rather dis concerning...
Walking is getting easier and longer 4 miles easy now but the pain behind the right scapula can be quite debilitating at times...I believe this could be the fascia that has become tort with the heart being in fibrillation for so long and involuntary fluttering of the heart muscle...I will consultant a colleague about this shortly...
The tiredness seems to get worse somehow as the weeks progress maybe this is because I am doing more and forget my age and think I am still 35...
I am still optimistic and realize that it will take time for the heart to heal and Rome wasn't built in a day but I am an impatient patient or so everyone keeps telling me...
I shall be taking a short vacation to the south of France this Saturday to stay with a friend who has concerns that I am not resting as much as I should be but how do you rest when you are a hyper active work alcoholic sixty odd year old???
I choose not to buy travel insurance and will rely on my E111 if need be..
Whilst on the subject of Alcohol I am pleased to say I am no longer a "LUSH" and gave up Alcohol about four months ago now...
Also since coming of the Flec and Biso I have lost around a stone and a half of fatty tissue which is great...
I don't regret having had the Ablation and will definitely have another if need be as I had zero tolerance to meds and was backed into a corner and left with no alternative...
Keep well.