Three month post Ablation review... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Three month post Ablation review...

24 Replies


I had my three month post Ablation review this week at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital...

My ECG was calm which was good...My EP was kind and reassuring- commenting that he felt the Ablation had been successful...

Not wanting to appear to be negative I praised the positive changes since ablation which were.Firstly I was free from all medication except Warfarin...Secondly I no longer have the debilitating attacks of AF such as blacking out in stores-or struggling to breath or walk even a few yards even...I keep reminding myself how very ill I was prior to Ablation and depended entirely on medication which in themselves made me feel worse still...The PAF had progressed at an alarming rate during the later 12 months following diagnosis...

What I was concerned about was a piercing pain between the shoulder blades,reflux and tiredness still...However, I was reassured that it was still early days and these symptoms were quite common in the first three months to six months...

The plan now is that I come off Warfarin on a mutual agreement following another review in three months..

I am pleased that I finally decided to have the Ablation and would I have another if need be- yes definitely...

Kind regards to you all and will chat again soon...


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24 Replies
CDreamer profile image

Very good to hear that you are so much better, it's so good to hear the good needs on this forum. I found a few tricks to help with the reflux, first when you have it try sipping Avery hot water with a slice of lemon about every 30 mins. To avoid - be very carbs, especially at breakfast, avoid anything but very tiny amounts. If you do eat carbs eat them on their own and don't mix with fruit or protein in the same meal. It may sound mad but it really worked for me. I had very bad acid reflux after my 2nd ablation and Dabigatron made it far worse so I did a lot of research and put a few things together and low and behold, found this worked but it takes a few days. I have no acid reflux anymore, thankfully, despite taking Pyridstigomine, a drug for Myasthenia which is notorious for causing gastro problems, especially wind and reflux.

Ps good needs should read GOOD NEWS!

Very best wishes CD

PPS careful should precede carbs. Sorry for the typos, this new site doesn't allow me to go back and edit.

in reply to CDreamer


Thank you very much for your kind comments and advice which I shall surely follow... the very bottom of your post were it says reply and recommend there is a on that and it gives you the option to edit...

Must add l always enjoy reading your posts CDreamer take care and keep well...


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to

Hi Carol

I tried that and it doesn't give me the edit option only 'report'. Thanks for pointing it out. I don't know if it is my IPad or the programme but ever since I updated I have had loads of trouble.

Stay well.

Elbows profile image

Great news, I'm now coming up to 5 months post ablation and touch wood I will stay AF free. Even started cycle racing again and doing interval training. Like you I will not hesitate to have it done again as I know it can take up to 3 procedures but here's to hoping the one will do. We are all different and our recovery from the procedure varies, but critically it is working for us.

in reply to Elbows

Hi Elbows,

It good to to know you are doing so well and to be cycling again also my Brompton is still in the boot of my car-I don't feel quite up to a bike ride just yet but hopefully quite soon...

Now you take care and don't over challenge yourself...


BobD profile image

Hi Carol good news of course. Stay well . You know my view on stopping warfarin and I really wouldn't be in a rush. Not having AF does not remove your risk remember.


in reply to BobD

Hi Bob,

I have just had a brief chat with Vikki from the AF society ... It is my decision to stay on the Warfarin.. I don't have a big problem with it ... we all know Ablation is not a cure- I still have AF but at the moment it is "silent"and like us all the fear of a stroke far outweighs the fear of a bleed or death even...Take care...Carol...

Wells that's one more thing I can tick off my things to do list...".procrastinate" is not in my vocabulary (joke)

Off to the airport for a weekend in Portugal and not even packed yet...

Hi Carol

Great news that you are doing so well, it's always very encouraging to hear success stories. You'll be running the marathon in no time! Having said that in a jokey sort of way, don't overstretch yourself all at once - but I'm sure it must be a huge relief not to be suffering such debilitating symptoms.


in reply to

Thanks Lis,

It is great to be feeling so much better and I count my blessings daily....

I am flying out to Portugal this afternoon to meet up with and old friend for the weekend....Marathon no! Just a gentle walk along the beach...

Take care and say Hello to Wales for me...


in reply to

I will do - you enjoy Portugal! I think Lisbon is fab.


Hi Bob.

Before my next appointment l need to be able to prove my case on this one....So will need help from yourself and the forum....Carol.

porridgequeen profile image

You know how we love good news! Well done Carol, long may this continue.


in reply to porridgequeen

HI Angela,

United we stand.....That's what friendship is about sharing our highs and lows.....We have all had more than our share of the lows...Live everyday as if it were your last "as our guru Bob would say" cx

meadfoot profile image

Excellent outcome Carol, so pleased for you. Well done.

Kind regards

Dee x

in reply to meadfoot

Hi Dee,

Thought of you as I know how you enjoy that coast line....camped up at Argres on Friday night and Cape Vincent on Saturday....It was stunningly beautiful....Any news of your Ablation yet....?


shirlygirly profile image

Glad to hear your good news and oing may it continue.

Good luck, Shirley.

shirlygirly profile image

Oh dear how did I do that. FOR oing read long.Shirley.

in reply to shirlygirly

Haha I understood ( I could speak" back slang" also at school) Carol...

dedeottie profile image

I am so pleased for you Carol. You are right, you must live each day to the full as if it were your last. However, long may your quiet heart continue. Enjoy Portugal.x

halewood profile image

Carol, your post has reassured me somewhat. I was at Lpool heart and chest yesterday for follow up after a heart op to replace valves, aortic root and ascending aorta. Been good but experiencing frequent AF. Cardiologist has referred me to electro team for "a chat". I take bisoprolol, flecainide and warfarin. After reading your experience I feel I might go ahead with the ablation if offered. ( Have probably sat next to you at Broadgreen at some point as I'm there so often!)

in reply to halewood


I was at Broadgreen last Tuesday my car knows its own way there now....My EP's are Dr. Gupta and Dr.Das.

Its is possible that we may have been sat close some time or other there...Although usually when I get chatting to someone I normally introduce the AFA association just hoping that there may be some like minded soul...

I would not have any fear of an Ablation again ....Its three months post mine now and can honestlysay improving each day...Just to be off the Flec,Biso is an added bonus...

I have a great respect for Dr.Gupta and Dr.Das and there direct approach so if you have a choice of EP there is my recommendation...

Good luck and maybe our paths will cross sometime....Carol

halewood profile image
halewood in reply to

Carol, thank you so much for your response. It has given me some reassurance. So glad the ablation helped you. I haven't got my appt through yet so do not know which doc I will be seeing. I already attend the clinics run by Mr Oo and Morrison for a genetic condition that affects heart function. I am on bisop, flec and warf. It would be nice to shed at least one of these, but I have been glad they're there. I have had AF for years, but not debilitating. Didn't seem to affect work or walking etc. In fact, walking around often makes it jump back into sinus. I now seem to be getting episodes about every 2 days. Some last hours , some minutes.

Keep well, and thanks again for the response


Beancounter profile image

Carol has asked me to write and tell you she is sunning? herself on a beach in Portugal for a long weekend, she'll answer everyone on her return (as soon as she shakes off the pneumonia :) )

Haha Ian,

Sorry to disappoint you but it was lovely and warm SO no Pneumonia just a touch of wind burn...Jealous #@*.........Cx

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