Does anyone know what vitamins are best for heart heath I dont take warfin chads score nil I know about CO q I think thats what its called I am feeling very tired more so in the mornings just need a bit of energy.
Vitamins: Does anyone know what... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hi Souljacs
CoQ10 does seem to be popular as garlic, fibre pills and even green tea (Careful of interactions here not allowed with warfarin I understand)
But my personal opinion, and somewhat borne out by some medical experts, is that none of us need additional vitamins at all, we simply need to eat a healthy diet in the first place, which will provide us with all the vitamins we need.
I am no paragon of virtue, and I certainly eat too much processed food at times, and almost certainly not enough fruit and veg, and even the odd few cans of caffeine free diet coke (I know Bob, I can hear you already but I'm addicted) But I'm fairly sure the only vitamin that I am short of is Vitamin D and that comes from sunshine, and that's because I haven't managed to get away this year (yet).
A short article from the NHS for you
Anyway good luck and I wish you well
I take CoQ10, I feel myself it helps my energy levels, which bisoprolol does seem to drop...

I know what you mean about the bisoprolol.
All may true about actual effect, though I do take :
Ubuiqinol, (said to be better than CoQ10 for over 50s)
Astaxanthin (doesn't diminish the sea population of Krill)
Hi souljacs4,
I've been taking CoQ10 as Ubiquinol for about a year and a half now. Prior to starting it I was starting to get some chest pain walking up even a slight hill. At the time I was about to start re-roofing the old barn on our farm and was getting a bit worried as to how I would manage it. I had read about the CoQ10 and decided to give it a try. Within a week of starting to take it the results were amazing. I was going up and down ladders on the scaffolding around the barn and getting on with all the joinerwork, with no chest pain. I then read about the benefits of taking the Ubiquinol instead of the CoQ10 and that is the one I now take daily. CoQ10 or Ubiquinol is produced by our bodies naturally, but, as we age the natural production decreases so supplements are recommended. ALSO, anyone taking statins should be taking CoQ10. Statins suppress the production of CoQ10 in the body and that is why a lot of folks taking statins experience muscle pains. I read recently that one of the statin manufacturers is developing a statin with CoQ10 added, to help alleviate the muscle pain problem. I do not take statins, - too many bad reactions to them and following a recent angiogram my coronary arteries are "Normal", so why take them.
I was first diagnosed with AF about 15 years ago, although looking back I believe I had it much longer. I've been permanent AF for 5 or 6 years now and since I also have heart block there is no racing pulse. Only meds' I am on are Isosorbide Mononitrate and Warfarin and of course the Ubquinol.
I consider myself to be one of the fortunate ones with AF, with no great problems apart from some breathlesness and needing 15 or 20 minutes dozing in the chair after my tea. I've said often to friends that if my cardiologist saw what I get up to he would say there is nothing wrong with me. My AliveCor tella me otherwise. However, life is for living, so I get on with it and don't think too much about the AF.
Keep well and I hope that helps.
Thank you walter I will try the Ubuiqinol. I feel tired a lot of the time, I think it's the Bisoprolol I take.
It's good to hear that the AF is not affecting you to much and I like the way you are dealing with it. You are right, life is for living, we all get good days and bad Just need to make the most of them all. There are a lot of people worse off,
stay well.