My second ablation in early April this year, was a catastrophe ,
A they were playing catch up,in the catch labs, as one was out of action.
I was due to be the sixth in the daily list, but as I had travelled a 3 hour journey to the hospital. I was sent down as third patient.
It started well,in the UK we are given a sedative, I remember my first one, and had no problems,
But this time, when the catheters were inserted, they tire the lining if my heart,
Which started my AF off, at that point they put me out, to insert a drain for the blood build up.
I woke up and felt a lot going in in the middle of my chest, which is where they were attempting to put a drain In, but failed and had to insert it in the side of my left breast.
Then they tried the ablation again, but still in AF,
According to my GP s letter they burned some of the arteries, but they decided to do a cardio version to get me back into sinus rhythm.
An experience I'm still recovering from,
Yesterday after being AF free , bam went u to a 3 hour attack, , was gutted as I had built up my confidence, that I was over AF,
Took my sotolol and waited, trying to keep calm.
I'm also on Warfarin, and probably will be fir the rest if my life.
I'm seeing my EP next month, 4 weeks later than I should have seen him.
I need to know exactly what happened, as pie was only told so much after the hospital stay, . I had a check up with my GP yesterday, that's how I git to see the discharge letter, which is quite different to mine,
are we as patients allowed to ask for copies of the info from the hospital,
as I really believe that big mistakes were made,
I'm scared to have another ablation, but I also am fed up of having frequent attacks of AF..
I've also had a previous HA in 2004 with 2 Stents..
What is any ones opinion as to how I should proceed .. Please