I went to the hospital at 11:00 yesterday (Thursday) as requested started to go through all the paperwork. Did not have my last INR reading and wanted more blood tests.. Nice lady took what was needed very painlessly. INR was 3.0 ( my Tuesday test results came today and it showed 3.4) ECG Blood pressure and they decided to put me on O2 an hour before I went in to procedure as my stats were a little low 93/95%
Once they had inserted all what was needed my doctor said that I was in good rhythm and then played around with different beats to get a reaction but it did not want to play. So they removed everything.
That’s when the fun started because of this being my third ablation and my other problems I had a lot of scar tissue that did not want to seal. 15mins with a pad and a lot of pressure a quick look and a roll of eyes more pressure. One of the nurses was told to go to a cupboard nearby and get the "Fem Block" a quick assemble and large strap is placed around my buttocks and groin and the contraption placed over the offending femoral leak. Straps tightened and soft plastic bowl inflated to put pressure on the cut. Back to the ward and told to lay flat and don’t move. More O2 stats dropped below 90% After 30 mins the person that put the fem block on pops back loosens straps has a peak another roll of the eyes straps tightened bowl inflated. "See you in an hour do not move" Well that hour felt like 360 minutes. This time the Fem Block Lady comes back with the doctor and calls over 2 nurses Off it comes doctor looks 2 nurses look fem block lady looks and they all agree I am still leaking but not as much as the start. fem block reinstated "see you in 30 Minutes do not move" There is only so much of the ceiling that you want to look at! In come the gang from above only oozing now on to the pads "Put pressure here". Doctor said he will book me into a room for the night as it does not look like I will be going home. After nearly 5 hours it had stopped and they started to get my in uprightish position. Sandwich eaten tea drank and numerous look see's I might be able to go home as long as I can sit stand walk and not start leaking everywhere.
Doctor has told me to stay on all my tablets and he will see me again in 3 months. I cut feels like it has had lemon juice split on it and did leak a little but home