Azithromycin Dihydrate - an antibioti... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Azithromycin Dihydrate - an antibiotic - Just some info to consider.

EngMac profile image
8 Replies

Taking an extended trip to Maylasia. Pharmacist gave me this antibiotic to take in case I get food poisoning. This drug has warnings for heart rhythm impacts. It can cause QT prolongation which supposedly can cause serious "rarely fatal" fast/irregular heart beat and other symptoms. This is written several times in the drug sheet. It says, if you have certain medical conditions or are taking drugs that may cause QT prolongation tell your doctor especially if you have heart failure, slow heartbeat, or QT prolongation showing on the EKG. On the drug sheet is a whole list of medications that are given for AF that cause QT prolongation. And if you have a left bundle branch block, this also causes QT prolongation.

The pharmacist, who prescribed this antibiotic, knows that I have AF. I don't take medication though but do have a left bundle branch block, which he did not ask about, and I have experienced serious effects from beta blockers that also can cause QT prolongation. Medical professionals just raise their eyebrows when I tell them my experience with AF drugs.

Probably medical professionals choose to prescribe based on the norm and not the "rare" exception. My family doctor tells me they only lose a few people; so that's ok, but they likely save a lot. Did you purchase your lottery ticket today?

It is preferable to avoid the use of all medications so we should put in the effort to stay healthy.

You need to read the drug sheet for every drug you are given.

I also just read that the new anticoagulants negatively compromise the immune system.

Valentines day is tomorrow and the heart is the centre of the celebration. Look after yours and happy Valentine's Day!!

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EngMac profile image
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8 Replies
Dawsonmackay profile image

Here is in the States, a "Z" Pak, is the standard of care for taking a 10 day course of antibiotics. The main ingredient in that 10 day course is Azithromycin. Last year in March I had an ablation and five days later went back into Afib. Twenty eight days later I converted to NSR and about ten days later, I somehow contracted pneumonia. Two weeks or so after that, my doc prescribed the "Z" pak. I never once had any heart problems, situations, feelies, or strange palpitations. Moreover, I am allergic to an immense body of drugs: penicillin, tetracycline, hydrocodone, aspirin, Naproxen, as well as food additives like corn syrup, and wheat products. I also have been taking a beta blocker since 2007 and have had no side effects. So I feel fortunate to taking some of these drugs including for the past three years Xarelto (anticoagulant). If I didn't take these medications, there is a very good chance that I would have experienced an impaired life or no life at all. You are very lucky that you do not take medication and I hope that continues for you; however, several of us are under doctor's orders to take medication and that's how it is for us. As you know there are always pros and cons for everything we do in life, sometimes just walking down the street has its disadvantages, yet, despite the drug warnings I am imbibing. For the one article that says the new anticoagulants "may" negatively compromise the immune system, I can find one that doesn't state that at all. In this life, you just take your chances...

jeanjeannie50 profile image

So lovely to hear from you EngMac. You take care of your heart too and have a lovely time away. We're shivering here in the UK so I'm envious of how warm it will be in Malaysia.

We have to look carefully at all the drugs we're given don't we and read every bit of information. It's no good relying on docs to be aware we have AF. I was listening to a talk yesterday and it was said that the main cause of death was the drugs we're prescribed, don't know how true that is, but wouldn't be surprised.

Take care and have fun.


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to jeanjeannie50

I’ve learned to check & double check everything Jean, as I’m sure you do!

EngMac profile image
EngMac in reply to jeanjeannie50

I did not want to imply not to take recommended drugs, I was only bringing to people's attention that if they are taking AF drugs, it is always good to read the drug sheet of a new recommended drug and to ask if something has not been explained by the doctor.

CDreamer profile image

I’m just really surprised at a Pharmacist prescribing such a powerful antibiotic EngMac?

Is that normal in Canada? I know this would not be possible in the UK. This antibiotic is on my ‘Red’ list as life threatening for me so I would never take it and already have signs of QT prolongation. I can’t take a lot of antibiotics as I am already have immune problems.

Good to hear from you.

EngMac profile image

Thanks CDreamer. I side with you. Yes, in Canada they even still prescribe Cipro like candy even though the FDA has written many warnings about it. The pharmacist said there is a 1 in 5,000,000 chance of Azithromycin Dihydrate causing a QT prolongation problem. I kind of doubt that number. He said getting serious repercussions from traveller's diarrhea is a worse risk.

Everybody responds differently to drugs and dosages can be different as well. Taking any drug is likely a bit of a crap shoot. The good, and maybe the bad that happens, are often not totally known.

I am reading a book called PEMF - The Fifth Element of Health. Now this will scramble your thinking about health and health care. Apparently, health care professionals are applying Newtonian physics. It is now known that it should be based on quantum mechanics; but getting to that point and shifting the well entrenched health care system will take years to accomplish. I have mentioned this book to a few doctors, and the pharmacist the other day, and they all frown and say they are not interested in researching this.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to EngMac

I have been working with an NHS doctor who is on board with these ideas & practices Sacrocranial massage BUT there is a huge push back by establishment to any MD who may think there is something in this mindset if they want to progress their careers.

One of the Maverick thinkers in this area in the 1990’s was Bruce Lipton when researching genetics - it was the forerunner of Epigenetics. He was laughed out of University at the time.

Have you looked at H3O2 or Eaziwater? Use of sunlight & minerals to change the properties of water. For the last year I take tap water & fill a large jar with a tap at the bottom everyday - I keep on the windowsill where it is exposed to sunlight. My husband thought I was bonkers but even he now says he notices the difference in our drinking water! Adding lemon slices also revitalizes water.

We do need medications at some times - but the Risk:Benefit assessment is hard to quantify - but taking antibiotics as a prophylactic ‘in case of travelers diarrhea? I don’t think so!

Auriculaire profile image

I have a PEMF mat. I always sleep better after I have used it. I am suffering from a bad side effect of Cetirizine ( an antihistamine) at the moment. I have been getting hives and it works very well to prevent them. However I have been getting terrible backache from time to time plus a worsening of other joint pain. As a tiny dose of the Cetirizine will control the hives for nearly a week I noticed it was after taking it that the back pain came on. A google search turned up a lot more people that have had this too. My attitude is that most prescription drugs poison our bodies but that some are necessary. But not nearly as many as the medical profession would have us take! I am a floxie so now I have a very healthy distrust of drugs.

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