for any of you guys on Keytruda / Pembroluzimab - I know skin Irritation is a side effect they watch out for. I think I had a minor rash real early when I first started that went away after a couple cycles, but for the most part- no side effects ever. Anyway I’m wondering for any of you who had a skin reaction what that was like (localized, widespread, …). Also I’m wondering if anyone developed a skin irritation side effect after a long period of no side effects? For context- I’ve been on pembro for almost 6 years - I’ve had 45 infusion cycles now.
Skin reaction on Keytruda / pembroluz... - Advanced Prostate...
Skin reaction on Keytruda / pembroluzimab ?

I had 16 treatments of Keytruda (not Pca related) for lung metastasis due to a melanoma in the side of my neck (last treatment January 2018). No runs no hits and no Skin issues. BTW Keytruda worked.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Your last treatment for Keytruda was on January 20. So, for the previous seven years, as far as prostate cancer is concerned, all your scans were normal, and PSA was zero?
Hello Pheart2,
It appears that you may have been confused about my treatment(s) using Keytruda. I had 16 Keytruda treatments (every 3 weeks) for my Lung Metastasis which were caused by a treated Neck Melanoma at MSKcc. The Lung Metastasis had nothing to do with my Pca. The last treatment of Keytruda was in January 2018 (and the treatments worked). The Keytruda had no affect on my Pca but only on my Lung Metastasis. BTW no side effects during and after treatment(s).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I am on Keytruda. I just had 5th infusion. No skin problems so far. But I know a friend who had severe rashes, and he had to stop the treatment.
Why are you on 45 cycles? The normal protocol is a maximum of two years, which is 34 cycles. Just curious. Thx.
I am not aware of any end to my infusion cycle. I’m actually losing count - I’ve completed 46 not 45 and I’ve been on this for almost 6 years now. I’m not aware of any standard protocol - or there wasn’t one when I started. This magic sauce saved my life ! See my bio for the details
I also had skin rashes and extreme itching but only in my ankles and neck. I think my amped up immune system reacted to abrasion from natural products such as cotton or wool (natural fibers have proteins). The ankle itching was incessant, hot water would trigger it and I would scrape until raw. It started about 10 months into every 3 week infusions. For a period of time I took an Allegra in the AM and a Benadryl at night which helped. I switched to non-wool socks, I took about 20 Pembro infusions over 18 months, the last three were spaced 3 months apart and the dose was reduced from 200 to 100. The itching dissipated but flared up occasionally even a year after the last dose. The bright side is that I'm in remission from PCa after years of recurrences and treatments. A good friend of mine already had a thyroid auto-immune disorder, pembro really exacerbated her thyroid issues, but after a year it's resolving for her. She's also in remission from recurrent squamous cell carcinoma. I saw an immunotherapy specialist and he believes that pembro remodels your immune system for the rest of your life.