Hi there,
My dad (84) was diagnosed with stage 3 PC 3.5 years ago, received 6 weeks of radiation and has had 3 mthly standard hormone treatments. His PSA was .7 prior to treatment and has been .00 and up to .01 ever since, although now it has apparently increased to .02. Gleason score is 9.
He has just had MRI done - It shows mets in bones (esp lower spine - He has also just had spine surgery for stenosis....pain level never improved following Op and he still has sciatica type symptoms with pain down one leg and slight temporary numbness in one side of bottom and foot) and specialist who treated him for stenosis says space in bottom of spine L4 to S1 has closed up again - due to mets ?). Few mets in lymph nodes.
We just found out from latest scans that he also now has a renal carcinoma (or possibly just a cyst ? They are not 100% sure yet...) in one kidney only and a number of cancer cells in both lungs. (I am assuming they are both linked to the PC - unsure at this stage).
He is seeing his urologist in Germany tomorrow. I live in Australia.
What do you think is the best ongoing treatment please ? His brother died from PC a few years ago. Would you expect much benefit from any Parp Inhibitor or an Immune therapy or would it be best to use stronger and clinically 'more proven' drugs ? - eg Arbi/Enza/Apa/Xofigo/Lutitium
Dad also uses blood thinners. He is in reasonably good health otherwise and does very light exercises daily to keep mobile. He is not keen on chemo at all.
I would be very greatful for any constructive input on effective meds