have a friend with advanced prostate cancer, still going through radiation treatments and it has spread to his pelvic bone. Could fenbendazole 444mg twice a day possibly help him?
prostate cancer: have a friend with... - Advanced Prostate...
prostate cancer

Fenbendazole is a deworming agent for animals. Based on a single case (Joe Tippens) that has never been duplicated, it circulates on social media as a cure for prostate cancer. There have never been any clinical trials of the drug, only lab studies. Taken orally, it does not reach concentrations necessary to have an effect in animals or humans. It is hepatotoxic.

Welcome. There are many posts on fen here for you to read. BEFORE INGESTING ANYTHING Your friend (or you) should ask or email your question to his oncologist.
Hard to tell. I've been doing fenben since 2020, over also. But I've also been on Lupron since late 2018. Scans have been good over that time, although three bone Mets that seem inactive. My first PSMA scan back in July showed no uptake outside the prostate gland.
But PSA has risen slowly since December 2022, so I did Provenge immunotherapy, and just completed radiation to prostate and pelvis (40 treatments).
We'll see what happens during the rest of this year. Whatever he does, tell him not to abandon regular treatment as needed, along with fenben and ivermectin, if he goes that route.
I have a number of past comments here dealing with this subject. Just search my profile and do a word search.
There are natural supplements that can help but Fenbendazole is not one of them. Prostate Cancer cells feed off androgen so unless the androgen is deprived either natural or medicinal, don't expect much from fenben. DM me and I will share more with you.
I agree with Tall Allen on this although repurposed drugs may be an option for some. Fenben does not look promising for PCa and messing up your liver isn’t what you need to do without better evidence. It is also important to note that Tippins had lung cancer (I believe he died) and not all cancers are the same.