Anyone having stage 4 prostate csncer living more than 10 years?I am very worried for my father..
Prostate cancer: Anyone having stage... - Advanced Prostate...
Prostate cancer

23 years with PC last 11 Mestatic
My husband Just got to number twelve.... Going on a clinical trial in a couple weeks, just have to get an up to date bone scan.
All scans, blood work etc. have to be in the past twenty eight days. All blood work etc except bone scan was up to date. So many treatments out there and more in the horizon.
Best wishes...Lynn Pa.
I have been around for 27 years since diagnoses.
Wow, that's amazing! May I ask who is your MO?
What stage was your cancer when first diagnosed? Stage, patient age and health at diagnosis is a big factor.

His bio is very complete so you can find everything there, all the details.

I was stage 4 out of the gate. See my bio for details.
It depends where the metastases are. If this are affected lymph nodes in the pelvis he should live well over 10 years. If has lots of bone mets, only few patients live that long.
As you indicated, where the mets are and how extensive they are has a lot to with overall survival. Looking at the broader average is not as useful. From what I remember, lymph nodes only is the best, followed by bone only, then lymph nodes and bones, followed by soft tissue mets such as the liver.

Thank you, gregg57, for that information. Nice to see some people keeping it real on this board.
yes just coming up for 14 years and PSA now 0.01
On Xtandi for 2.5 years after 2 years on chemo
So do not get depressed about all of this
I am still active and working part time and playing golf
I was diagnosed late in 2011. I’ve been they metastasis first lymph, then distant bone (forehead, spine, ribs, femur) and many many lymph’s. They gave me 5 years 5 years ago. My PSA is now zero and clean scans. Obviously I am responding well to Xtandi (I failed Zytiga) and Lupron and now Xgeva. Even though I’m pretty clean Mayo told me in February I have 18-36 months. I exercise 3/4 times a week and eat what I want, and most nights we have a drink. I’m 53 and retired and all tan with a life by the pool. There is hope for your dad, I’m walking breathing proof.
If it were me I would be thinking about trying to get into a trial
My husband has metastasized prostate cancer . He just did a clinical study with Dr Gary Onik . His psa went from 102 to 55 in 3 weeks . Look him up on YouTube - “ aka Dr Hope”. We have a few more weeks and are getting a new pet scan next week but so far , it seems to be working!
18 years.
I was diagnosed 7 yrs ago at age 54. I had a PSA in the 40s and moving up fast with a Gleason 9. I was placed on ADT and had my prostate removed 6 months later. The I continued with ADT (Lupron) INTERMITTENTLY for 5 yrs, while usually also taking Zytiga. For the last 2 yrs, I am on ADT continuously, but am no longer taking the Zytiga. I am still responding well to the ADT. I haven't made it to 10 yrs yet, but I am planning on making it to 10 and hopefully much more.
Having read the other posts, I thought I should add a bit more info to my post. At time of diagnosis 7 yrs ago, I had bone mets in 2 verterbre and a large one in my acetabulum (pelvis). They were unsure if I had 2 in my ribs, but I think those were later ruled out. I did have the pelvis radiated about 5 yrs ago. Lastly, when they removed my prostate, they also removed more than 30 lymph nodes and found 1 was "dirty".
I'm at the 15 year mark and doing great on only transdermal E2 (estradiol) gel.
Yes. Can you please furnish us with some background about you Dad. Age, Location, PSA and Gleason, Treatment(s), Treatment center(s), Doctor's name(s)? All info is voluntary but it helps us help you and helps us too. If you do post this info please do so in a future post (not today) and not directed to me. Thank you.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 07/27/2019 12:47 PM DST
The AARP did a study on deaths of men with prostate cancer in 2013. There were 239,000 men studied and 30,000 deaths. That is a death rate of 13% and women with breast cancer had a death rate of 17%. However, the majority of men did not actually die of Prostate Cancer, they died of heart attacks, strokes, and accidents. So just keep truckin'.
Is he hormone resistant or does he respond still respond to hormone deprivation,,,,or anti-androgens such as Xtandi or Casodex.
Does he respond to Taxotere or Cabazitaxal?
The answers to these questions will generally make a big difference in survival time.
February 2003 diagnosed with PCa at age 56. Had primary treatment from April to August. April 2004 diagnosed by two different ROs with Stage 4 with distant Mets. Advised by both ROs to seek out a MO from academia and research. Started a chemo-hormone therapy trial in July 2004. Upshot Mets resolved and by February 2010 was able to stop hormone injections. Today I am still undetectable.
So many factors enter into treatment starting with early detection and recognition of disease and then metastatic disease. My mindset was to hit the little bastards while my body was strong while the tumor burden was minimal. I believe this gave me a fighting chance while several poisons were given via infusions fir a 180 day period. Three cycles of eight weeks with a break in weeks 7 & 8. Weeks 1, 3 & 5 -Taxotere. Weeks 2, 4 & 6 - Adrimyacin. Plus either Erustramine or Ketoconozole for a week depending which infusion. Also each day during the 6 month trial, 30 mg of Prednisone. All the while continuing with Lupron/Eligard.
Community oncologists and technical writers will tell you “antidotal response’. I do not believe that as nine others in the trial also had complete responses. Those with greater scope of disease did not fare so well. I am reminded of one of my best friends from college - treated in a Center of Excellence 1500 miles away when told that we can do no more, get your affairs in order as in three months hence, you will not see Christmas. Through this protocol he saw four more Christmas’ until metastasis got to his brain. Yet he was able to spend time with his 8 and 10 year old children. Another friend from college decided to shun all traditional treatment and went the alternative medicine route, he lasted five months....... stayed with us for three weeks fir he consulted with the pros that I knew - he spent his extra time watching videos and researching “internet cures”........
This disease can be devastating
There are a lot of professionals in the field with different ideas and different methods. All I know is that I followed the advice given by two different ROs, apart by 200 miles, what would you do is you were you in my shoes newly diagnosed with Metastatic Prostate Cancer?
I wish you the best. I am so thankful for the 15 years that I have had thus far. Keep killing the little bastards.
Gourd Dancer