I received a text from the WIFE of a buddy. She said he has been diagnosed with advanced PC. She had no real particulars other than it was in his spine, pelvic area and lymph nodes, bladder, etc. The really scary part of the text was she sounded upbeat because the doctor was very optimistic- just radiation, some ADT in pill form, no Chemotherapy. Just a walk in the park.
My first thought to myself was “holy shit” that is not what I have read here over my time on how to deal with advanced PC. Where is at least two forms of ADT and possibly Chemotherapy, etc. I guess my knowledge from this forum and my personal experience is driving me to question what I heard Or am I being over reactive. Of course I did not say any of that it was just racing through my mind.
Any way I would like some suggestions on do I wait for him to contact me? She reached out to me not him. How do I start the conversation if I call? Where do I send him for help with this? His wife did not know any specifics like PSA, test results, etc. All she knew was he started the pills, had a RO appointment in February. Nothing more! To top it off she just finished breast cancer treatment for a year.
Any thoughts and suggestions would help.