Hello Gentlemen - Having had stage 4 gleason 10 with far spread I have read a lot of the latest blurb on PC treatment - I believe from many papers that our own bodies could and do kill cells with certain types of DNA damage ( aptosis ) but that certain cells hide by chemical means or disrupt this process - I am led to believe that we have found a way with a fowl pox to locate / isolate the bad cells but cannot yet get get them to self destruct even though we can enter them some PD-L1 ? and PD1 on certain types of cancer cells stops them doing this - So do we identify - isolate - enter - issue instruction to / or terminate - Is that where we are at or the direction we are / should be going - anyone ? Kindest Raoul
Maybe a gross over simplification for... - Advanced Prostate...
Maybe a gross over simplification for curing prostate and other cancers - what does everybody think - lay person and medically qualified

This is the challenge which has made a treatment that reliably cures cancer at all stages elusive. How to get the treatment to accurately discern all cancer cells from other cells and kill them all. I think it is highly likely when the first reliable cure comes along for cancers that are currently not reliably curable, it will work on any form of cancer. Just a wild guess.
So no luck in this direction either - feels like current treatment PC -lots of money on R and D and relatively no result - Current treatment PC - remove male hormone and ability to use it - Is that an accurate summation or has anybody any good news ? - for all those with Cancer - Maybe AI ? - thank you to the guys that responded
And to the guys who didn't.............WAKE UP!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.