Had a PSA test this week which was still 0.00. This one marks 5 years since surgery, so feeling particularly thankful. Doctor suggests to keep checking every 6 months and see him annually, given my adverse pathology and high risk DECIPHER. Are we ever cured? I only know I’m feeling good with the exception of the typical residual side effects. Wanted to share this good news, thanks!
5 years post surgery: Had a PSA test... - Advanced Prostate...
5 years post surgery

congratulations ☺️
look at my results we have similar results, I came out post op 3+4, with positive margins <1mm with 3+3 at margin and high decipher score, I hit my 5 year mark last month, truly thankful 😌 for sure
Very similar, except I was 4+3 grade. I did have RT very early when my PSA went to .03. That was in part because of my high risk DECIPHER which, at the time, advocated early RT once PSA increased. I had no HT, after much consideration. Funny, my treatment plan would probably be different today as things continue to change so rapidly but so far so good for me. Thanks for your comment. Best to you!
Excellent news! I just passed the 3 year mark at <.02 and elected to stay with 6 month testing as well. My uro said it was ok to go yearly but I said no thanks. I'll stick with 6 month until 5 years. Good luck to ya going forward!
very similar, except I was 4+3 grade. I did have RT very early when my PSA went to .03. That was in part because of my high risk DECIPHER which, at the time, advocated early RT once PSA increased. I had no HT, after much consideration. Funny, my treatment plan would probably be different today as things continue to change so rapidly but so far so good for me. Thanks for your comment. Best to you!
great news. Hoping to follow in your good footsteps. I was 5+4 but only a small amount. PSA still undetectable so far for 4.5 years after surgery. Getting tested every 6 months (and will continue even after 5 years).
Outstanding! 👍👍👍
Great stuff... 5 years out after RP and Salvage am still <0.006
Good news, You're free from cancer. Keep it up Sir. God bless you
Great to see positive outcomes posted - onward and upward!
My situation quite similar, both in treatment and timeline. RP in June of ‘19, mostly 4+3 with half of the 15 cores saturated at 80-100%. Staged at 3TB post op due to SV invasion and a positive pelvic node.
No PSMA pet available to me then, so I took the urologic surgeon’s advice of a clinical trial with IMRT, abiraterone, and a short course of taxotere chemo, even though I was negative margins and undetectable PSA .
I later learned it’s quite unusual for a urologist to recommend further treatment right after RP, unless the PSA is rising quickly.
The MO trial doc I was sent to said I’d be dead in 10 years if I did no further treatment. I don’t believe that today, but I’m still plenty glad I did it. Undetectable still at 5 years same as you.
I was quite possibly over treated, but that’s fine with me. I’m a firm believer that your first shot at this disease is by far the best one. Great news and great luck to you!
Great story, and congrats to you. How often are you checking PSA ?
Congratulations !My 10th anniversary since achieving stable remission, PSA remaining @ <0.008 for the whole period will be in March next year. My PCa was Gleason 4 +5 organ confined. Adjuvant treatment protocol - RP + IMRT + ADT ( 2 years ).
Hope you'll be posting more good news 🙂!
Congratulations! Your story gives me hope for my father who had a RP almost 2 months ago.
PSA 7.3 - Pirads 5 - Gleason 3+3 and 3+4 at Biopsy - RP still 3+3 and 3+4 but unfortunately EPE and Positive Margin of 1mm. No PNI, SVI or Lymph nodes present. Stage 3a.
We are anxiously waiting for his first PSA post RP in early January. We have been told we have to wait until then even though positive margins were left and EPE they cannot do anything preventative before then. We are very worried about what lies ahead.
Have you been given an explanation for waiting fourish months for first PSA test? Using PSA half-life calculation 7.3 would reduce to <0.010 in 22-33 days. Based on my lessons learned I would be seeking testing immediately and expecting imaging. All the best!
Thank you very much. They said three months, because that is the wait time for the PSA to be accurate post RP, according to his surgeon.
My father had a PCP appointment 2.5 weeks post RP to follow up on something else and she mistakenly ran a PSA test along with all the other tests, it was 0.2 at 2.5 weeks post RP. (7.3 before RP).
Thank you for the information, I’m trying to be the best advocate I can for him.
I commented because you shared you are anxious and worried. Being a self/family advocate is tough enough, then add in all the disparities with this disease and advocacy is even tougher.
"Three months" is a very common kick the can down the road technique for both doctors and insurance providers. There are several US laboratory services that provide us the means to order our own tests when and where we want. I do my ultrasensitive testing through Requestatest for $109. Hope this helps.
I get it. Stay positive. His pathology is not as adverse as mind was, post surgery. The radiation oncologist advised me that radiation therapy would treat the margin and hopefully the EPE. Both were in the same area, in my case. Sounds like your dad’s disease is treatable and curable, but I’m not a doctor.
Thank you very much, your story is one that gives us hope to read. I wish continued good health and thank you for sharing your story to help others.
“Nonfocal extraprostatic extension. Surgical resection margins (1mm at Gleason pattern 4) present at area of extraprostatic extension” - I believe by this both are in the same area for my Dad as well.
Did you receive Radiation therapy prior to PSA rising as an adjuvant treatment? Or was it salvage radiation?
Great News , you did not say your age, and it wasn’t in your bio, please tell us so we can fully appreciate you situation.
good on ya!
thanks, hope you’re both well, how did the PSA recheck go after the little uptick a while back? Happy holidays!