My sweet dad initially got diagnosed with prostate cancer around 2014 and have prostate removed and all the cancer was removed. Up until 2021, his PSA levels were undectable or barely undectable. At that time they slowly began to start creeping up and he was experiencing pain, after getting checked out and having scans done, a small cancerous area was found in the same spot the previous cancer was. Since 2021 he has been taking Erleada and Lupron injections. PSA came down to barely being detected and staye that way until about 3 months ago and it has creeped up to 0.8 now and Dr scheduled PET scan to check things out for next month. Is this something that should be alarming to me
Daughter of Dad who is battling prost... - Advanced Prostate...
Daughter of Dad who is battling prostate cancer, have questions.

Why didn't he get salvage radiation?
He's also diabetic and has advanced chronic kidney disease and his physician is trying to do everything possible before that to protect his kidney function being already compromised. I think I'm thinking about chemo on that part because I remember it was being discussed prior to his removal of prostate surgery. I do not know why he didn't do the salvage radiation. Do you know anything about the salvage radiation? Sorry if what I just wrote was confusing. I'm a RN working full time at a nursing home and have a second job working in a clinic so my life is super chaotic right now and I don't always remember things correctly. In addition to helping my mom take care of everything since I'm the only child, I also help my mom take care of my grandparents 91 and 85 who still live at home but has dementia and keeps falling, my mom is also an only child so its just us to take care of everything. I'm very thankful that I can help out but sometimes I get overwhelmed. Sorry about the long post.
You say the cancer was removed originally but he had his prostate removed. Now it's back in same spot. Where was/is the cancer? In a lymph node in pelvic area?
IMHO, nothing to be alarmed about. .8 isn't that high and the PET scan should detect any cancer. I assume his scans either showed nothing or no changes during this time.
Take it one step at a time and always look forward. Do your best to see that your dad gets the best treatment to provide a good quality of life as long as possible.
FWIW, I've been on Lupron and Erleada since 2020 and have done very well. Best of luck.
Greetings lsufan4life,
FYI there are many women here on H.U. who are their Father's caregivers. I know you have many issues to put up with but at least you've come to the right place for information, support and camaraderie. Take care of yourself, your family needs you to be strong and healthy. If possible, when you have a chance please update your dear Dad's bio. Thank you and keep posting. (All bio info is voluntary).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
concerning, yes. Bill had surg in 14 also. Didn’t go below 3 after. Got to Mayo, dr. Kwon. Pet saw in lymph next to spine. Had chemo, then zytiga, Lupron 6 mo then 37 radiation and meds, meds for a year. Non detectable NED 7 years. Started coming up a bit last fall. .1+. March was .33. PSMA saw in lymph next to esophagus and spot on shoulder blade. Removed lymph next to esophagus.. too close to radiate.. radiated spot on shoulder blade x1. No meds. Non detectable no evidence of disease in July, returns thanksgiving week for MRI and pet scan. Again, has not been on meds for 7 + years now.
There are others on this site who can offer better advice than me but I will just inform you that a rising PSA is obviously cause for concern. However, a reading of .8 is not very high. IFFF his present course of treatment is starting to fail, there are other treatment options for him to to discuss with his MO that his MO should (better be) familiar with.