The last two months my husband has wet himself many times and almost many more times in the last week he has solid himself 3 times when we were out. He doesn't have diarrhea he says he can't tell he has to go until he HAS to go than it's to late. Also in the last two months he has done things like point out a wasps nest that we drive by every day like it's the first time he has seen it he does this with many things it has gotten a lot worse in the last two months. We know he has terminal prostate cancer but his PSA is less then .1 with the six months infusion. Is this a sign that the prostate is progressing? He is in no pain which is a blessing.We found out about the cancer in March and has two infusion.
Is inconsistent bowel and urine part ... - Advanced Prostate...
Is inconsistent bowel and urine part of the Prostate cancer? Also almost like dementia?

Maybe from the stroke? Tell his CV doctor.
If he’s had radiation, both bowel and bladder issues could result, often delayed by as much as years. See a gastro doc who has experience treating cancer patients, preferably at a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Pelvic floor therapy and some medications could help. Nerve signals from both bowel and bladder can get all confused and it becomes hard to tell which is signaling the brain and about what and how urgent I found that pelvic floor therapy from a good PT specifically trained in this area and perhaps using bio-feedback can work wonders.
Can’t speak to the mental issues but they cry out for diagnosis. Don’t delay.
I had high dose brachytherapy as well as additional whole pelvic irradiation. I am similar to your husband. When I have to go, I have to go right then. I have treated this myself with just a single daily dose of Immodium unless I suffered from diarrhea, in which case I took an additional pill after every BM. Additionally, to give myself some degree of flexibility, I trained myself to go every morning just after awakening.
Secondly, my mom is 83 and now suffering from dementia. It came on very fast. Just a few months ago she was living on her own and doing well. Today, she wears diapers and needs extensive healthcare assistance. It was explained to me that when dementia sets in, the brain can no longer process the signals that indicate the need to go. As a result, patients just soil themselves.
Best wishes for both you and your husband.
You don't mention ADT, like Zytiga, Lupron, Xtandi, Erleada, Eligard, Apalutamide. In my personal experience, and from what I've read here, ADT can cause confusion and mental decline.
Also, if he's taking oxybutynin stop it immediately! It can cause cognitive decline in otherwise functioning seniors. See
Discuss this all with your doctors, both urologist and oncologist. Also, don't let the urologist get away with dismissing the effect of ocybutynin since there are alternatives and the NIH article should be enough to convince him.
Being strong in this very trying situation speaks volumes about you! Bless you for what you are going through.
If possible let him double up on his depends.... Have him relieve himself as much as he can before leaving the house. Have those handiwipes and extra depends and a change of clothes in you car. As far as his dementia is concerned his best choice in general, is a superspecialist, such as a geriatric psychiatrist, a geriatrician with a special interest in dementia, or a behavioral neurologist.
Have a Happy Christmas.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 12/23/2023 3:01 PM EST
i had external rad plus brachy.
My bowel habits have chanced for the worse. I started backing up, as if I couldn’t get it all out. I think my lower colon has lost some elasticity. Lots of passing gas all day like there is always something up there.
Went to gastro doc, got the butt scope and he didn’t see anything major (ive always has sparkling reviews of my rear end internals in the past).
But.... this time, in their office there was this nurse lady (russian) and she was also like an expert on all of the herbs and supplements, etc. I saw her on my first visit there. She immediately gave me sample packets of a pharmaceutical grade probiotic. She also told me to go to the Sprouts grocery store and buy Gaia brand Olive Leaf Extract (anti fungal). Within a day i could already feel a difference. I took heavy amount in the first couple days then trailed off to maintainance dose.
I already took the metemucil type fiber. She said hold off on that for first week because it could flare up my gut biome situation in the beginning (I don’t quite understand but did what she said).
Now i realize that in my new situation, i just have to add the probiotics into my regimen. But the darn things are like $1 a pill. Seems high for fancy yogurt pills, lol.
I couldn’t get the probiotics she gave me but have been using the Vit Shoppe brand 50million x2 (hers were 100million). (ProBioCare womens 34strains)There are many brands/types to choose from. I did try one other brand and it gave me acid stomach. I haven’t had to take antacids for many years but suddenly it came back. Went away when i switched back to the above.