Good afternoon, community! I am new here and thank God for this opportunity to be among you on this chat. Three years ago I was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer. PSA =13.0. Prior to surgery the skeleton was clear. With the surgery it took 4 months. Result - post-op PSA =16.0 and metastasis to bone. Gleason 9. Had chemo. 5 sessions. Then three radiation treatments of 14 sessions each in the pelvis and ribs. Last radiation was in May of this year. Then abiraterone + prednisolone. In addition, once a quarter I received and still receive leupron in the abdomen and once a month Hgeva. For 15 months PSA was below 0.03. Recent tests showed a slight increase first to 0.7, then to 0.24. And the day before yesterday already a significant 0.67. Due to this my doctor has changed ( abiraterone + prednisolone) to ( Xtandi). I would like to know from the experienced community, how justified and productive is this substitution? And one more question. If there are any German patients in the chat, I would like to ask them to give me the name of a good oncologist practicing in Baden. I live in the city of Baden-Baden and for three years have not found a good oncologist. I will be very grateful for any answer. Health to all and more joy in every day.