TRT for metastatic men with high PSA ... - Advanced Prostate...

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TRT for metastatic men with high PSA numbers

17 Replies

Are there any actual studies (Not Personal opinions) regarding giving TRT to men with bone Mets and high PSA numbers?…Real clinical studies….Anyone out there in this catagory ?…,And your results?….

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17 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

You're asking about TRT, not BAT, right? In other words, stopping all hormone therapy and receiving testosterone? There have been no such trials because it would be unethical. One crazy lady on this site gave her husband who had painful metastases testosterone and killed him (he died in pain within 2 days).

in reply to Tall_Allen

TA…Yes I’m talking about TRT not BAT…Bryce Olson (A patients story on the internet) was given BAT (400mg) when his PSA was over 300…it didn’t kill him, it actually lowered his PSA to almost nothing..,Bryce has passed, but not from BAT, from progression of the disease…..I’m wondering about the smaller dose of T with TRT..,just to improve QOL. While being metastatic….But thanks for your reply.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to

How can you possibly know a thing like "Bryce has passed, but not from BAT, from progression of the disease." ? You can't know if his progression was accelerated or decelerated by BAT. That's why randomized trials are conducted.

No doctor in the world would take you off ADT and give you testosterone. It would decrease your QOL because of bone pain and crippling fractures.

in reply to Tall_Allen

different situation….Bryce was on ADT (Lupron) the entire time he was on BAT…His story is dated Sept. 2022 and at that time he had had 4-5 BAT treatments….He passed in July 2023….So that’s well over a year that he survived after starting BAT….Im simply wondering if there has been any studies regarding giving TRT to men with Mets that DO NOT have bone pain to increase their QOL…

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply to

Thanks for correcting the person that didn’t think you could possibly know about Bryce’s passing and also this person is trying to speak for every Dr in the world by saying ”they would never take one off ADT n give you testosterone “ which I’m sure there are. Anyway idk of any clinical studies that show they would but there are quite a few people on bat therapy with encouraging results. As far as straight trt wo adt you would probably have to delve in pretty deep to find that. Most of the encouraging stories are trt w adt but there are many ways to treat prostate cancer and quite a few people have posted n are having great results for years doing so. Good luck n keep researching there are thousands of credible clinical studies out there…

in reply to Nfler

You nailed it….as far as I know “this person” has never “walked the walk”..but is very good at “talking the talk”…..I was on BAT for 7 months and it was the best I’ve felt in my 11 year journey (6 at metastatic)…I’ve been off everything for quite a few months now …my psa is very high (84) but I have no bone pain….but I’m dragging!…I have no T so that why I was asking about TRT…But instead of a positive reply or just a IDK I get a bull shit story about a wife who basically killed her husband in 2 days by giving him Testosterone ….Id like to see that wives posting…,and that person also feels they can speak for every doctor in the world..,.I see my oncologist in a couple of weeks and plan to discuss my situation with him..,Since I don’t have bone pain why couldn’t I try some TRT?..,,I could always stop…Its not like I’d put a patch on and be dead the next day….QOL is my #1 priority and a little blast of T would certainly help…I’m in the 4th quarter hoping to get into OT, so WTF?

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Nfler

Look I'm not a shill for T_A (he sure doesn't need one) but it irks me when someone asks a question and then chastises the respondent since they don't like (or agree) the answer. Don't like the answer? Then let it go in one eye and out the other, the way you will and do with my post(s).

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


garyjp9 profile image
garyjp9 in reply to j-o-h-n


RazorSaw profile image
RazorSaw in reply to Tall_Allen

I'm a newbie to the site so I had to learn what BAT is. Not trying to be part of the conversation because I'm not clear what you're pitching back and forth. But this citation definitely helped me understand more.

RoseDoc profile image

other than BAT, I am unaware of any studies using TRT in PCa. I think it highly I advisable.

in reply to RoseDoc

Thanks for the reply…,I’ll keep searching…since I don’t have bone pain and have zero testosterone , somebodies gotta be the first..,,

Justfor_ profile image
Justfor_ in reply to

A user that used to post here, but not any longer, maintained his PSA bellow 0.1, using supra physiological concentrations of T, for 2 years before switching to BAT (that he is currently in). To my knowledge, he is the most experienced person in this. He has also published an electronic book related to his experiences. I will send you his real name via a PM.

in reply to Justfor_

Thank you 👍

RoseDoc profile image
RoseDoc in reply to

Let us know how it goes

in reply to RoseDoc

Will do 👍

Jbooml profile image

heres my dimes worth..high psa MAY be a result of sclerotic bone PC. I never had pain with my PSA hovering over 900. taking T may result in amplified PSA but not cause symptoms if one has controlled baseline near or on nadir with sclerotic involvement . What’s the upshot..Taking T may return one’s masculinity but it has its risks that are too complicated to deduce based on limited evidence.

MateoBeach profile image

if there are no critically unstable bone mets or those producing pain. Then a trial of high testosterone as a start of BAT is considered worthwhile and reasonably safe as it can be stopped if the response is unfavorable. There is no other way to know if it is beneficial or not without a personal trial.

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